迫害されるBlessed are the persecuted

第二世界大戦中、ユダヤ人はナチスドイツに迫害されていました。 ある親切なオランダ人の屋根裏にユダヤ人が隠れていました。そこにドイツ兵が捜索に来ました。屋根裏から、音がしたので、ドイツ兵は「誰か人が隠れているぞ。」と言いました。すると「チュー、チュー」と音がしたので、「なんだ、ネズミか。」と言いました。少し経ってから、また音がしたので、「怪しいぞ」とつぶやきました。すると、「ハイル、ヒットラー」と人の声がしました。ドイツ兵は「なんだ、ドイツ人か。」と言って去って行きました。
自分は無実で、全く悪いことをしていないのに、迫害され、苦しめられ、虐げられることがあります。第二次世界大戦では六百万人のユダヤ人たちが迫害され強制所に入れられ、ガス室に入れられ殺されました。イエス・キリストは迫害され、十字架に磔になり殺されました。人間の世界には差別、いじめ、迫害が絶えません。それは、人間は罪人だからです。「すべての人は、罪を犯したので、神からの栄誉を受けることができず…」ローマ3:23 人間は、最初の人類アダムの罪を受け継ぎ、罪の性質を持って生まれて来ます。ですから、子供の時から、悪い思いが入り、自己中心的になり、他者を害する行為が起こります。そしてこの罪のため善良な罪のない人々が被害者として犠牲になります。人間は罪人なので、憎しみ、怒り、妬み、差別、欲望などの理由で隣人に危害を与えたり、迫害したりします。毎日の様に、新聞、テレビのニュースに詐欺、強盗、ワイセツ、殺人などの犯罪が後を絶ちません。
2019年3月26日 筑波女子中学生が学校を休んだら、彼女は死んだと加害者3人がうわさを広め、葬式ごっこをした。その他バッグから盗まれたいじめが原因で自殺した。「死ね」「消えろ」「お前の居場所はない」。自分が苦しむ様子を楽しんでいるいじめ加害者、そして、機能しない学校の対応には、絶望感や喪失感、苦しいという思いを通り過ぎた捉えようのない感情があったでしょう。
サウロ王は、部下のダビデが敵を倒し勝利して戻った時、「サウルは千を打ち、ダビデは万を打った。」と女たちがダビデを賞賛するのを聞いて非常に怒り、ダビデをねたみます。数日 後、王は槍を投げダビデを殺そうとします。ダビデは逃げ、苦しい逃亡生活をします。
I サムエル 18:5-11
I サムエル21:10-15
During the Second World War Jews were persecuted by the Nazis. Some Jews were hiding in the loft of a kind Dutch family. One day a German soldier appeared. When a noise was heard from the ceiling of the house he cried, “You are sheltering someone!” A squeaking sound was then heard and he said, ”Ah! It`s only a mouse.” Very soon a suspicious sound was heard again. This time the response came, “Heil Hitler.” To this, the soldier said, “It`s just a German person!” and left.
There are times in our lives when we are victimized, bullied and oppressed even though we have done nothing wrong. During the Second World War, some six million Jews were taken to concentration camps and killed in gas chambers there. Jesus was persecuted, arrested, crucified and died. Amongst humans, discrimination, bullying and persecution are on-going. This is because we are all sinners. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. All of us, are born as the descendants of Adam with a prediliction for sin. Even from a very young age we are self-centred and seek to harm others. Due to sin, those who have done nothing to deserve it become victims and are hurt. Humans hurt each other because of such sins as hatred, jealousy, anger, discrimination and lack of self-control. Every day in the newspaper and on the news we hear of scams, robberies, murders and rapes. Earlier this year, in Japan a middle school girl did not come to school and three classmates announced that she had died and performed a mock funeral. It turns out that she had committed suicide because she had been bullied by those same students. Notes saying “Die”, “Disappear”, “You have no place in this world” were found in her schoolbag. The perpetrators had enjoyed watching her suffer and the school turned a blind eye. She must have been unable to deal with the overwhelming feelings of despair and dejection.
When David came back victorious after winning battles for King Saul people praised him saying “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” On hearing this, Saul became angry and jealous. A few days later Saul threw his spear at David intending to kill him. David escaped and began a time of exile. I Samuel 18:5-11. Afraid that Achish, king of Gath might hand him over to Saul, David pretended to be insane, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard. I Samuel 21:10-15.
Saul selected three thousand of his most able warriors and led them in pursuit of David. During that time David had the chance twice to get his revenge and kill Saul but he did not do so. David said, “I will not lay my hand on my lord, because he is the Lord`s anointed.” He believed that he must leave revenge up to God. During this time of persecution David turned to God as his hiding place and received encouragement, strength and comfort from God. “I lift my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1,2. Jesus Himself said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.” The reason He gave for being blessed is, “For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10. We do not usually think that it is blessed to be persecuted! We think it is the opposite. It is blessed because when we are persecuted for doing right we will be rewarded in heaven. Blessing will come if we can endure persecution. Any person who endeavours to live right for God will receive some degree of persecution. The world we live in is imperfect, often evil flourishes and people suffer. We have the hope of a peaceful heaven. Those who put their trust in Jesus can say that their citizenship is in heaven.