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365 Days of Blessing

「知恵を求める」Seek wisdom

(要約)ソロモン1 2019年9月1日 




そこで、平和に過ごすためには長寿よりも富よりも何にもまして知恵が必要であると思い、知恵を求めました。「善悪を判断してあなたの民をさばくために聞き分ける心をしもべに与えてください。」と神に祈り求めました。列王記I.3:9 一つの国を平和に治めていくためには、指導者は権力、武力よりも知恵が必要です。




あなたに並ぶものは一人もいないであろう。」また、あなたの父ダビデが歩んだように、あなたもわたしのおきてと命令を守って、わたしの道を歩むなら、あなたの日を長くしよう。」列王記I 3:13,14 


知恵があれば、人生は潤され、豊かにされ、危機から救われます。ですから、聖書は「知恵が与えられるように」神に願い求めなさいと、奨励しています。「あなた方の中に知恵の欠けた人がいるなら、その人は誰にでも惜しげなく、咎めることなくお与えになる神に 願いなさい。」ヤコブ1:5 聖書は、「銀のように知恵を探し、隠された宝のように知恵を探し求めなさい。」箴言2:4と言っています。「知恵をえよ。悟りをえよ。……あなたの全ての財産をかけて、悟りをえよ。」箴言4:5,7


「知恵を得ることは黄金を得ることに勝ります。」箴言16:16 知恵があれば、賢く生きて、豊かな充実した人生を歩むことができます。知恵を得ることは黄金を手にするより尊いです。「天よりの知恵」が与えられれば、対人関係を上手に裁くことができ、成功を収め、窮地から救われる道を教えられます。勝利の人生が歩めます。知恵の源である、天地創造主なる神、聖書の言葉を飢え乾いて求めましょう。そして、神を敬い、謙遜で、柔和な人になりましょう。  

1st September 2019

A well-read man was talking to the captain of a ferry in which was a passenger. “I`m just reading a very interesting novel. Do you have a favourite book?” “Actually I can`t read,” was the reply. The scholar responded, “In that case it is the same as losing one third of your life. How about Sudoku puzzles?” “Well I can`t do Maths either!” “That`s the same as losing another third of your life!”Suddenly there was a huge gust of wind, the boat tilted and started to sink. The captain asked, “Professor, can you swim? What! You can`t swim! That`s all of your life!”

“A wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve.” As this saying implies, a wise man does not need to show off. A wise person is modest, does not over-estimate his abilities, is humble and does not look down on others. If a person has wisdom they can help themselves and others. A person who is wise does not waste their time on futile arguments or doing stupid things. He will live in harmony with others as much as possible. His life will be fulfilled and satisfying. Solomon thought deeply about how he could effectively rule the kingdom he had inherited from his father, David. Solomon had seen his half-brother Absalom kill another brother, Amnon who had raped his sister Tamar. He also saw Absalom revolt against their father David and be killed in the resulting civil war.

Solomon realized that more than long life or riches, in order to maintain peace, wisdom was needed. He prayed, “Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.” I Kings 3:9. Solomon realized that to live in peace, wisdom is more important than power or a strong military.

Because Solomon asked for wisdom above all else, God answered his prayer and also gave him great wealth as well. Solomon was so liberally endowed with gold and silver that his table utensils were all fashioned out of gold. There was no other king as wealthy as Solomon. God told Solomon, “I will give you what you have not asked for – both riches and honour – so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. And if you walk in My ways and obey My statutes and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.” I Kings 3:13, 14.

If we do not look out for our own interests but seek glory for God and care for others we will be blessed financially and health-wise. If we have wisdom we will be blessed and protected from danger. The Bible urges us to ask God for wisdom. “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5. “Look for wisdom as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure.” Proverbs 2:4. “Get wisdom, get understanding….though it cost all you have, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:5, 7. I wonder how many people are prepared to use all their wealth in order to gain wisdom! There are people who spend a lot of money in order to improve their knowledge but there are not many who would use all the money they have in order to gain wisdom.

“How much better to get wisdom than gold!” Proverbs 16:16. If we have wisdom we can make wise decisions and live a full, satisfying life. Wisdom is more precious than gold. If we gain wisdom from heaven we will have good judgement in our personal relationships and will know how to extricate ourselves from difficult situations. We will live a victorious life. Let us seek God, the source of all wisdom and hunger for His Word, the Bible. May we all be humble, meek people who revere God.

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