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365 Days of Blessing

霊なる神 God the Spirit

ある若い女の子が、友達と話していました。「私、毎朝、鏡で、自分の顔を見ると、何と美しいんだろうと思っちゃうの。これは高慢なの!」 すると友達が、「いや、それは錯覚よ。」と答えると、それを聞いていたもう一人の男の友達が、「いや、自分を自画自賛するのは、偶像礼拝だよ。」と言いました。その女の子は、「わあ、すごい。私、神様になっちゃたの!」と答えました。

イエス・キリストは「神は霊ですから、神を礼拝する者は、霊とまことによって礼拝しなければなりません。」ヨハネ4:24.と言いました。神は霊ですから、目に見えることができません。人間は普通「目に見えないものより、目に見えるもの」を好みます。目に見えない抽象的なものより、目に見える分かり易く、具体的なものを求めます。それで、目に見えない霊なる神より木、石、銅などで人間、動物などの形に刻んだ、目に見える偶像を拝むのです。日本では、八百万の神々と言われるように無数の神々が拝まれています。動物のキツネ、蛇、馬、竜、ワニから、自然の太陽、月、星、山、川、大木など様々の神々が祀られ拝まれています。イスラエルの国でも、目に見えない霊なる神から離れ何度も偶像礼拝に走しりました。ソロモンの妻たちが礼拝する偶像礼拝への妥協の結果イスラエル国は北と南に分裂しました。 南はソロモンの子レハベアムが王になり、北はヤロブアムが王になって支配します。そして、この二国は争うようになります。この二人の王たちは偶像礼拝の罪を犯しました。

偶像礼拝は聖書によると愚かで罪です。聖書は偶像礼拝を禁じています。あなたは、自分のために、偶像を造ってはならない。‥‥それらを拝んではならない。‥… 出エジプト20:3-5 




真の天地創造主なる神様は霊であって、形ある偶像ではではありません。使徒パウロが言うように、「…神は、天地の主ですから、手でこしらえた宮などにはお住みになりません。また、何かに不自由なことでもあるかのように、人の手によって仕えられる必要はありません。」そのように私たちは神の子孫ですから、神を、人間の技術や工夫で造った金や銀や石などの像と同じものと考えてはいけません。使徒17: 22-29 。神は霊である、無限,永遠、全能、不変、普遍なる目に見えないお方です。「どうか、世々の王、すなわち、滅びることなく、目に見えない唯一の神に、誉れと栄えとが 世々限りなくありますように。アーメン」






A young girl was chatting with her friends, “Every morning when I look in the mirror I think how pretty I am! Is that pride?” Her friend replied, “No, that`s an optical illusion!” A male friend chipped in, “Praising your own picture is idolatry.” At this, the girl exclaimed, ”Wow! That means I have become a god!”

Jesus said, “God is spirit, and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24. Because God is spirit we cannot see Him. We humans usually prefer things that we can see rather than those things we cannot see. We generally seek concrete, visible things rather than abstract things which we cannot see. This is why people often worship idols carved out of wood, stone or metal in the form of people or animals. In Japan, it is said that there are at least eight million gods to whom people pray. Animals such as fox, snake, horse, dragon and alligator and things found in nature such as sun, moon, stars, mountain, river and trees are honoured. In Israel`s history, countless times the people turned from the unseen God to worship idols. As a result of the compromises made when Israel began worshipping the gods brought in by Solomon`s foreign wives, Israel was divided into northern and southern kingdoms. The southern kingdom was ruled by Solomon`s son, Rehoboam and the northern kingdom by Jeroboam. These two kingdoms began to fight each other. Both kings sinned by worshipping idols.

According to the Bible, idolatry is a foolish sin which is forbidden by God. “You shall not make for yourselves an idol in any form…you shall not bow down to them or worship them.” Exodus 20:3-5. An idol is something formed by man using different materials. Because they are made of some material substance they will eventually deteriorate. It is meaningless to worship such a thing. An impotent idol cannot help us. “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” II Corinthians 4:18. The person who makes something surpasses the thing that they made. Worshipping an idol is the same as worshipping the person who made it. An idol has to be cared for by those who made it. In the Old Testament we see that idolatry was often linked to immorality. Worship of Molech involved sacrifice of children. There were male and female prostitutes linked to the temples and shrines. Idolatry is sin.

The Creator God is spirit and does not have a form like an idol. As Paul said, “God made the world and everything in it and does not live in temples built by hands. And He is not served by human hands as though He needed anything…. Since we are God`s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone – an image made by man`s design and skill.” Acts 17:24-29. God is spirit; infinite, eternal, all-knowing and cannot be seen by the human eye. “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever.” I Timothy 1:17.

If we centre our thoughts and attention on anything other than God that becomes idolatry. Modern idolatry consists of striving for materialistic prosperity, fame and glory. Also, morals and ethics are not considered important but science takes a central place. Another modern idol is, in order to escape the difficulties of life, the pursuit of pleasure, alcohol, drugs, food, sex becomes the focus. According to the Bible the most important commandment is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:39. In God`s eyes, we are all sinners. We must confess our sins and acknowledge God the Spirit. If we do not do this we will not only miss out on God`s full blessing but we will also face His judgement.

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