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365 Days of Blessing

「祈りによる奇跡」Miracle-producing prayer






この「罪の告白」のテーマは人気がなく、あまり語られません。 なぜでしょうか。それは、人間は誰でも自分の過ち、欠点、非難すべきこと、罪を人から指摘されたくないからです。人は悪い間違った行為を改めなければ、向上しません。しばしば、苦い薬を飲まなければ、病気が治りません。メスを入れなければ、体の中にある腐った毒物を取り除くことはできません。イエス・キリストの救いの核心は、罪からの救いです。救われるには、罪が指摘されなければなりません。


エリヤが祈ると、主の火が降って来て、全焼のいけにえと、たきぎと、石と、ちりとを焼き尽くし、みぞの水もなめ尽くしてしまった。民はみな、これを見て、ひれ伏し、「主こそ神です。主こそ神です。」と言った。I列王記18:38-40 「信仰こそ、世に勝つ勝利の秘訣である。」ヨハネI,5:4


奇跡はとりわけ、それを強く信じる者の上に起こります。 信仰がない所には奇跡は起こりません。全能なる、天地宇宙の創造主なる神の子イエスは、奇跡を起こそうと思えば、何時でも奇蹟を起こせるお方です。信じる者は神の栄光を見ます。奇跡を見ます。

A car driven by a Jewish rabbi and one driven by a Catholic priest collided at an intersection. Both cars were greatly damaged but, miraculously, neither person was injured. “It`s thanks to God that neither of us was hurt,” the rabbi said. The priest was also overjoyed. “This wine too was not damaged so let`s celebrate together,” the rabbi said and kept re-filling the priest`s glass. “Rabbi, you`re not drinking much!” the priest commented. “No, I will celebrate after the police have been here!”

Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to meet at Mount Carmel to decide which god is the true God. They would decide whether Elijah`s God, Jehovah, or the idol Baal was the genuine God by seeing which one sent down fire from heaven. A human being cannot cause fire to come down from heaven. It is a miraculous event. They agreed that the god with supernatural power who could perform miracles was the true God. Two bulls were prepared as sacrifices and it was agreed that the one who sent down fire from heaven to burn the sacrifice was the one True God. The 450 priests of Baal called on him from morning to noon saying, “O Baal, answer us!” They pleaded with him but there was no answer. Even though they danced and slashed their bodies with swords and spears until the blood flowed there was no answer. Elijah mocked them, “Shout louder! Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or travelling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.” I kings 18 26-29.

Next, it was Elijah`s turn to pray. “He repaired the altar of the Lord, which was in ruins.” Repairing the altar indicates repentance. Preparation is necessary before praying. The first step is repentance. Jesus told us that if there is a rift between us and a brother we must “first go and be reconciled to your brother.” Matthew 5:23, 24. Confession of sins is not a popular topic so is not often spoken about. Why is that? We do not like having our mistakes, faults, weak points and sin pointed out to us by others. If we do not correct our faults we will not improve. Sometimes, bitter medicine is required to heal our illness. A scalpel is needed to remove the cancer from within. The kernel of Jesus` teaching was salvation from sin. Our sin must be dealt with in order to receive salvation.

The prayer of faith makes room for miracles and brings victory. Even in business and sport, belief increases the probability of success. On the other hand, a person without faith, full of doubts will be swamped with uncertainty and fear. This can lead to depression and darkness. Our emotional / spiritual condition affects our physical state. It is easier to remain healthy in the presence of faith and peace.

When Elijah prayed, “the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. When all the people saw this, they fell prostate and cried, `The Lord, He is God! The Lord He is God!`” I Kings 18:36-39. “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” I John 5:4.

Jesus told us, “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24. Above all, miracles occur in the presence of great faith. No faith, no miracles. Jesus, the Son of the Almighty, Creator God is able to perform miracles any time He so desires. Those who believe will see God`s glory and experience His miracles.

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