「大志を抱く」Have ambition
エリシャ1 2019年 10月13日

大きな志、大志を抱きなさい。」卒業式の後、ある生徒が言いました。「よし、僕はアメリカの大統領になって見せる。」すると、それを聞いた友達が、「君それは無理だよ。君はアメリカ市民じゃないだろ。大志を抱くなら、日本大使館の大使になれば。」と言うと、「それは大したことじゃないよ。 不可能に挑戦することこそ、大志を持つことだ。」と、その生徒は答えました。

預言者エリヤは弟子のエリシャに、この世を去る前に「何をしてほしいか、願いを求めなさい、」言いました。すると、エリシャは、「では、あなたの霊の、二つの分け前が私のものになりますように。」と言いました。II列王記2:10 天から火を下したり、川を二つに割ったり、死人を生き返らせたりする奇跡を行ったエリヤ先生の2倍の力をくださいと言うのですから、エリシャの願いは大きな望み、大志です。


大志(夢)を持つことは、人生に多大な益をもたらします。 仮に夢が実現しなかったとしても、夢を持つことで、自分の人生は楽しく、活力にあふれ、充実し、自分が成長していきます。「温泉に行く」「楽器を習う」「語学を習う」「服を買う」「車を買う」など、個人的な小さい夢を持つことでも人生が楽しくなります。
「神は御心のままに、あなた方の内に働いて、志を立てさせ、事を行わせてくださるのです。」ピリピ2:13 「あなた方のものにならないのは、あなた方が願わないからです。」ヤコブ4:2
13th October 2019
A headmaster spoke at the Primary School graduation, “Achieve great things as adults. Have strong wills and big ambitions!” After the ceremony was over, one of the students said, “Great! I`m going to be president of America.” One of his friends, hearing this replied, “That`s not possible. You`r e not an American citizen right?” “Right, but challenging something impossible is a big ambition isn`t it!”
“Boys, be ambitious!” These famous words were said by Dr. Clark to his students as he retired from his position as head of the Sapporo Agricultural College and returned to England. He wanted his students to have ambition as they stepped out into the world. Of course, this does not apply just to young people but also
to those of any age group.
The prophet Elijah asked his disciple, Elisha, what he wanted from him before he was taken away. Elisha responded, “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.” II Kings 2:10. Elijah had been responsible for a number of miraculous events; calling down fire from heaven, dividing a river in two and raising the dead. To ask for a double portion of his spirit was very ambitious. Elisha`s desire was not for worldly things but for a spiritual double portion. Elijah had displayed God`s power through the miracles he performed and Elisha wished to do the same. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6. It is important for us to have an attitude of seeking God`s righteousness and yearning to be used by God.
In order to know whether his request had been heard, Elisha stood on the banks of the Jordan River and tried to do just as his mentor Elijah had done. He picked up the cloak that had fallen off Elijah saying, “Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” When he struck the water with the cloak, the water divided and he crossed over on dry land. He was able to do what his mentor had done. His desire and dream came to fruition. It is good to dream big dreams. The bigger the dream the more effort and enthusiasm is needed. We mature as we make effort. If our dream is small, little effort is required to bring it to pass and we will not mature much.
It is said that modern young people don`t have ambition. This is demonstrated by the change in what are considered popular occupations. Senior Primary School boys` most popular occupation is to be a soccer player and girls, cake shop worker. Middle School boys` most popular occupation is school teacher and girls, kindergarten teacher.
Previously, students wanted to be president of a company or prime minister of the country. Recently, a lot of young people do not want to join a company but move around working part-time in different places. Looking back in history it seems that there were more people who did not just live for themselves but had vision and ambition and were prepared to give their lives for the benefit of Japan.
Having a vision is beneficial to our lives. Even if the dream is not fulfilled, by just having a dream, life becomes more meaningful and purposeful and we mature as people. Even a small dream to travel or read a particular book or learn another language gives our lives more purpose and brings enjoyment.
“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” Philippians 2:13. “You do not have, because you do not ask God.” James 4:2. It is up to us how we live the lives that we have been given, which we have only once. Let us live purposefully, dreaming dreams.