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365 Days of Blessing

「悲しみから喜びに」From mourning to joy






人生は不可解です。命が与えられたと思ったら、命が無くなります。彼女は山の上の神の人エリシャのところに来て、彼の足にすがりつい言いまいた。「主は生きておられ、あなたのたましいも生きています。私は決してあなたを離しません。」そこで、彼は立ち上がり、彼女のあとについて行った。II列王記4:30 彼女は息子が助かるためには、必死でエリシャに祈ってもらおうとしました。








祈りは奇跡を産みます。信仰による祈りは、病む人を回復させます。主はその人を立たせてくださいます。ヤコブ5:15 神に祈ることで、悲しみが喜びに変えられました。


The Pope and Donald Trump are standing on the balcony of the Vatican. “When I raise my hand the spectators will all be moved and cheer,” the Pope stated. “I don`t believe such a stupid thing would happen,” Trump responded. “Shall I show you?” The Pope raised his hand and slapped Trump on the cheek. The crowd went wild and cheered.

There are times in life when, unexpectedly, it is if we have been slapped on the cheek, we reel and are upset. A natural disaster, accident, illness or robbery hits us and we are at a loss as to how we should live. Anyone, in times like that, suffers, is sad and troubled.

The Shunammite woman was initially unable to have children but miraculously a child was born and grew up. One day, the boy cried to his father, “My head, my head is so sore!” His father asked one of the workers to take his son to his mother. The worker picked up the young boy and carried him to his mother. The boy sat on her lap until noon, and then he died. II Kings 4:18-20. Life is hard to work out sometimes. Life has been given and then, for no apparent reason, it is taken away again. She hurried to the mountain where Elisha, the man of God lived and fell at his feet. Elisha`s servant tried to push her away but she said, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So Elisha got up and followed her. II Kings 4:30. She pleaded desperately with Elisha to pray for her son so that he might be saved. When Elisha reached the house he found that the son was already dead and lying on a bed. What a terrible thing it must be to lose your beloved son! Within a split second you are plunged into the depths of misery. As a result of last week`s typhoon over 60,000 homes were flooded.. Also, at least 75 people lost their lives during the storm. This has been a terrible shock to many people.

We never know what might happen in our lives. It often happens that lives are lost through accidents or illness. “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” James 4:14.

Our lives are like a mist; ephemeral. Death often comes when it is least expected. We hear news of someone who was considered healthy suddenly having a heart attack or stroke. A car accident happens out of the blue and people die. The Principal of the school I was teaching in while living in New Zealand was diagnosed with leukaemia and died within a year.

Elisha prayed for the boy who had already died. When Elisha stretched himself out over the boy a miracle took place and the boy came back to life. “Elisha got on the bed and lay on the boy, mouth to mouth, eye to eyes, hands to hands. As he stretched himself on him, the boy`s body grew warm.” II Kings 4:34. The boy then sneezed and opened his eyes. How over-joyed the boy`s mother must have been. She showed her great joy, falling at Elisha`s feet and bowing to the ground. She then took her son and left the room. Her grief was changed into jubilation.

Prayer causes miraculous things to take place. “The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.” James 5:15. By prayer to God, sorrow will be changed into laughter.

“Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5.

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