「自制の祝福」Blessings of self-control


将軍ナアマンが持って来た贈り物の内容は、銀十タラント、金六千シェケル、晴れに晴れ着10着でした。現在のお金に計算すると合計1460万円ほどの贈り物になります。しかし、これらの贈り物を受け取ることを預言者エリシャは断りました。II列王記 5:16


思い違いをしてはいけません。神は侮られるような方ではありません。人は種を蒔けば、その刈り取りもすることになります。ガラテヤ6:7 貪欲は身を亡ぼす結果となります。金銭を愛することが、あらゆる悪の根だからです。ある人たちは、金を追い求めたために、信仰から迷い出て、非常な苦痛をもって自分を刺し通しました。Iテモテ6:10 世の中では貪欲の心のために収賄事件、詐欺、盗難が絶えません。
A wife asked her husband, “How is it that you can remain so calm when I get mad at you?” He replied, “It`s not such a big thing! Before you explode, I clean the bath with your toothbrush, or if it looks really serious I clean the toilet too.”
A car in which the brakes do not work is headed for an accident. A person too, if they lack self-control is headed for a miserable end. “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a person who lacks self-control.” Proverbs 25:28.
When he did as Elisha said and washed himself seven times in the Jordan River, Naaman`s illness was healed and his skin became just like a baby`s. Naaman then took his entourage with him and went to Elisha`s place in order to urge him to accept the gifts he had brought with him. The gift included ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold and ten sets of clothing. The money alone could have been about $150,000. Elisha, however, refused to accept the gift. II Kings 5:15, 16. The reason Elisha gave for refusing the gift was that it was God who had healed Naaman not Elisha by his own strength.
We see a different attitude when we watch what Elisha`s servant Gehazi did. He wanted what Naaman had brought so ran after him and received money and clothes to the value of about $27,000. As Elisha`s servant, Gehazi would have felt called to be a prophet and to help other people. However, we humans are weak and often find it difficult to withstand monetary temptation. Gehazi was judged because of his greed and his lies. “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. As a result of his sin Gehazi was stricken with the illness from which Naaman had been healed. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6:7. Greed leads to destruction. “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” I Timothy 6:10. Because of greed there is no end to bribery, scams and burglary.
Self-control leads to a blessed life. If we have self-control we will not over-eat but will exercise and be healthy. Self-control protects from lust and consequent immorality. If anger is controlled, partners will not fight and the home will be a peaceful place. Self-control will prevent over-sleeping, the person will work diligently and be more successful. The workplace will then be blessed. Self-control protects from unnecessary, wasteful purchases and money will accumulate. Success in personal relationships follows control of emotions. A person who can control their tongue will not speak ill of others behind their backs and will choose their words carefully and therefore avoid disputes and be respected by others. Relationships with others will then be blessed. With self-control a person can control their thoughts and be calm. That person will live a clean life and be satisfied.
It is very difficult to achieve self-control in our own strength. Most normal people do things they know to be bad and do not do the things they know to be good. That is why we need the help of our supernatural heavenly Father. Self-control is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to us by God our Creator. Let us pray to God and ask for His help in achieving self-control.