「心の目を開ける」Spiritual sight

アラムの王は、預言の力でイスラエルの戦況を有利にさせているエリシャを捕えるために、大軍を送り、エリシャがいる街を包囲しました。エリシャの召使が朝早く起きて、外に出ると、町がアラム軍に包囲されているのを見ました。敵の包囲を見て恐れた召使はエリシャに向かって「ああ、ご主人さま。どうしたらよいのでしょう。」叫びました。II 列王6:15


これは、神の力は敵の力に勝ると言うことです。あなたがたのうちにおられる方が、この世のうちにいる、あの者よりも力があるからです。Iヨハネ4:4 人生の危機に直面した時に、信仰の目をもって物事を見ることができる人は幸いです。
そして、エリシャは召使の目が開かれるように「どうぞ、彼の目を開いて、見えるようにしてください。」と祈りました。すると、神様がその若い者の目を開かれたので 「火の馬と戦車がエリシャを取り巻いて山に満ちていた。」のを見ることができました。 II列王記 6:16,17
しかし、復活されたイエス様に出会い、自分が罪人であり、イエス・キリストが真の神であることが分かりました。心の目が開かれたのです。 そして、キリストの敵から、キリストの味方に変身して、全世界にイエスの救を伝えました。使徒9:1-16
Accompanied by their guide dog, a blind person was waiting for the lights to change at an intersection. Even though the light was still red the guide dog started moving across the road. They just missed being hit by a car but somehow managed to cross safely. A passerby noticed the blind person giving the dog a reward and said, “Why are you rewarding the dog when he just did something so dangerous?” the person answered, “I needed to find which end was his head and which his rear end so I could kick his butt!”
If a person is blind they are impelled to depend on a guide dog or other people. There are many people whose physical eyes can see but they are blind spiritually. It is sometimes difficult to make wise judgments if one is blind spiritually and also hard to really `see` oneself or others. We may think we are right when we are actually wrong or, conversely, think another person is wrong when they are right. “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” Helen Keller.
The king of Aram surrounded the city Elisha was in hoping to capture him because he had warned the king of Israel many times and protected him from the Aram army. Elisha`s servant woke early and went outside. To his surprise he saw that the city was surrounded by the army of Aram. Alarmed, he ran to Elisha shouting, “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” II Kings 5:15. When we reach our own limits we reach out to others for help. There are times in life when we face difficulties that we are powerless to overcome on our own: incurable illness, unexpected accident, earthquake, typhoon and other disasters. In difficult times, we are blessed if we know the Almighty God and His only Son, Jesus because we can call out for help to the Ones who can solve any problem.
Elisha spoke to his fearful servant, “Don`t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Because he had spiritual sight Elisha was not concerned even though he was surrounded by a great army. He knew that God`s army was with him and would protect him. God is more powerful than any enemy. “The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” I John 4:4. When faced with one of life`s crises we are blessed if we can look at the problem with the eye of faith. Elisha prayed for his servant, “Open his eyes Lord, so that he may see.” God answered Elisha`s prayer, his servant`s eyes were opened, “and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” II Kings 6:16, 17.
Paul believed that the Jewish path he was travelling was the right way and eagerly persecuted Christians. However, when he met the resurrected Jesus he realized that he was a sinner and that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. His spiritual eyes were opened. He changed from being the enemy of Jesus and became one who promoted Christianity to all of the known world. Acts 9:1-16.
It is important for us to pray that our spiritual eyes would be opened. We will then see ourselves as we really are. This knowledge is connected to the path to salvation. As our eyes are opened we realize that we are sinners in God`s sight and that Jesus is God`s son and our Saviour. Also, like Elisha`s servant we realize that God`s army is with us to protect us. We see that it is good for us to have mercy towards those who would harm us.
“God, open the eyes of my heart that I would see.”