些細なこと A Trifling Thing

「舌も小さい器官ですが、大きなことを言って誇るのです。御覧なさい。あのように小さい火が、大きい森を燃やします。」ヤコブ 3:5
The other day, I took my trumpet apart and gave it a good clean. I wound tissue paper around toothpicks or chopsticks to clean inside and used cloth to clean the pistons. I have been cleaning in this way for many years without ever having a problem. This time, after the cleaning was completed, I re-assembled the parts as always but when I went to try playing it no air would go through and consequently no sound would come out. At first, I thought that maybe I had put the pistons back in the wrong order so checked them a few times but there was no problem there. During this process, the pistons stopped moving and I thought I would have to go to a music store to have the trumpet repaired. I became frustrated as I wondered what on earth could have gone wrong.
However, I did not give up and tried pushing the piston out from the end with a chopstick. At last, it came free and along with it a small piece of tissue! The problem had been that when I wound tissue around a chopstick to clean inside, for some reason, a piece of the tissue had broken off and stayed inside jammed between the piston and the outer case of the trumpet. A small mistake had brought about an unexpected problem.
On August 20th, 2007, an airplane from Taiwan landing on the runway in Okinawa went up in flames and caused a huge explosion. Fortunately, all 8 members of the staff and 157 passengers managed to escape down the emergency chute at the last moment. A bolt holding one of the wheels had loosened, come adrift and punctured a hole in the gasoline tank. The leaking fuel gathered on the ground and was ignited by the heat from the engines causing a mighty explosion.
“The tongue too is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.” James 3:5.