オレオレ詐欺 Fraud

In Japan, during the year 2016, something like $330,000,000 was stolen in fraud cases. Even though warnings are frequently made by the Police, every year the amount taken continues to rise. It is hard to believe that this has been going on for at least 26 years.
It is difficult to understand why so many, particularly elderly people, are deceived by a person pretending to be their son or grandson and saying that for one reason or another they are in need of money.
As well as that, they are asked to hand the money over to someone they have never met or to put the money into some random bank account. I think it would be rather rare in western countries for people to hand over thousands of dollars out of their hard-earned savings even if their grandson was strapped for cash. It makes me think that it is only possible because this is Japan.
文化の違いで、犯罪の質も異なるのは 興味深いです。
In many western countries self-reliance, taking responsibility for one`s actions is emphasized. In Japanese society, children depend on their parents and parents tend to spoil the children.
I lived in America for 5 years and New Zealand for 21 years and observed that, even in middle class families, most university students pay their own school fees by getting part-time jobs or getting a loan from the government. In both countries, it seems that few students have everything paid for by their parents. It is of great interest to me that cultural differences have an effect on criminal activity.
身を慎み、目をさましていなさい。あなたがたの敵である悪魔が、ほえたける獅子のように、食い尽くすべきものを捜し求めながら、歩き回っています。 I ペテロ 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lionlooking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
奥平 Okudaira