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365 Days of Blessing

ヨセフの昇進 From Slave to Prime Minister

ヨセフの昇進 From Slave to Prime Minister






ヨセフの出世の鍵は? 奴隷からエジプトの総理大臣になれた理由

1.信仰心  エジプト王のパロはヨセフの信仰心に大変強い印象を受け言いました。




2.知恵  パロ王は「あなたのように、さとくて知恵のある者はほかにいない。」と言いました。


「ある人には御霊によって知恵のことば、預言の言葉、‥‥が与えられ、」コリントI. 12:8,10








聖書は「主(神)を恐れることは知恵の初めである。」箴言 9:10 と言っています。

3.謙遜 ヨセフはパロに答えて言った。「私ではありません。神がパロの繁栄を知らせてくださるのです。」創世記41:16



聖書は「人の心の高慢は破滅に先立ち、謙遜は 栄誉に先立つ」箴言 18:12 と言っています。



「なぜなら、だれでも自分を高くする者は低くされ、自分を低くする者は高くされるからです。」ルカ 14:11、とイエス様は言われました。


それゆえ、神は、キリストを高く上げて、すべての名にまさる名をお与えになりました。ピリピ 2:8


A new employee was called into the boss`s office after one year. “Bob, you were promoted to section head after only three months here. Then after six months, promoted to be one of the directors. Next year, I will be retiring so you will become president of the company. We have never seen anyone promoted as rapidly as you before. Have you got some word of thanks?” “Yes, I really appreciate the honour.” “Is that all?” “Yes, father.”

From his position as a slave, Joseph was promoted to Prime Minister of Egypt. In Japan, a well-known story of promotion is that of Kinoshita, a farm lad who moved from the lowliest rank of samurai to become Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the ruler and highest ranked man in the land. In more recent times in Japan, where education is of prime importance, Kakuei Tanaka, a man with only Primary School education rose to become the Prime Minister of the country. Generally, in the world, the conditions for success are; a good brain, enthusiasm, courage, ability to withstand stress, being pro-active, popular, strong-willed and well-connected.

What was the key to Joseph`s success? Why was he promoted from slave to prime minister?

1. Faith. Egypt`s Pharaoh was impressed by Joseph`s faith. He said of Joseph, “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” We can see from Pharaoh`s words that Joseph had faith in the Creator of the universe and this was displayed in his actions and his words.

Joseph walked together with his God and this was revealed in his day-to-day life. Both Potiphar to whom Joseph was sold as a slave and the warden of the prison where he was later confined could see “That the Lord was with Joseph and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did.”

2. Wisdom. Pharaoh said of Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you.” Joseph was given the gift of wisdom and prophecy by God.

“To one there is given the gift of wisdom….to another prophecy.” I Corinthians 12:8-10.

Joseph was able to tell what would happen in the future. He was able to interpret Pharaoh`s dream and know that there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.

Pharaoh saw Joseph`s wisdom and promoted him saying, “You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.” Where there is wisdom there are no futile disputes. Where there is wisdom we can live together peaceably. Where there is wisdom the welfare of the people is sought, popularity increases and even if poor there will come prosperity. Wisdom is a major key to promotion. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10.

3. Humility. Joseph told Pharaoh, “I cannot do it but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” Genesis 41:16. Joseph did not take the credit for interpreting dreams to himself but gave the credit to God. He did this because he was humble. “Before his downfall a man`s heart is proud, but humility comes before honour.” Proverbs 18:12.

A humble person will eventually be recognized. Jesus taught the importance of humility when He washed His disciples` feet. “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 14:11.

“Being found in appearance as a man, Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name.” Philippians 2:8.

We can see that Joseph`s rise from slave to prime Minister of Egypt was because of his faith, his wisdom and his humility.

奥平 Okudaira


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