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365 Days of Blessing

神の選び God's Choice

神の選び God's Choice



聖書は「あなたがたがわたしを選んだのではありません。わたしがあなたがたを選び、あなたがたを任命したのです。」ヨハネ 15:16 と言っています。











主は仰せられた。「わたしは、エジプトにいるわたしの民の悩みを確かに見、彼らの叫びを聞いた。彼らをエジプトの手から救い出しなさい。‥‥今、行け。わたしはあなたをパロのもとに遣わそう。わたしの民イスラエル人をエジプトから連れ出せ。」出エジプト 3:1-10







更に、神様は、ナイルの水が血に変わる奇跡を起こすと約束します。 出エジプト 4:8 







これは、神の御前でだれをも誇らせないためです。 コリントI 1:26-29



After a pastor had completed his sermon one of the congregation exclaimed, “Pastor, to be able to produce a sermon like that you must be smarter then Einstein!”. Thinking he had just been praised the pastor thanked him but he was a little concerned so asked him next week to explain what he had said. “I hear that very few people can understand what Einstein said but nobody could understand your sermon so that is why I said you must be smarter than Einstein!”

God chose Moses who was a poor speaker to free the Israelites from their plight as slaves in Egypt.

“You did not choose me but I chose you to go and bear fruit.” John 15:16.

We tend to think that we entered the walk of faith and evangelism entirely by our own volition.

However, the Bible tells us that God chose us.

Moses met God and was given the charge of leading the Israelites out of captivity. Moses was at Mount Horeb, the mountain of God. While there, an angel of the Lord appeared to him.

A voice calling, “Moses, Moses,” could be heard from a burning bush. God spoke to Moses from the bush and he replied, “Here I am.” When God said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,”

Moses was afraid and hid his face. God told him that He had seen the oppression His people, the Israelites, were under in Egypt and that He wanted Moses to deliver them. “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelite out of Egypt.” Exodus 3:1-10. In this way, God chose Moses to be the one to lead the Israelites from captivity in Egypt.

Moses, however, was timid and tried various excuses in order to get out of this responsibility. “Who am I? I am not the one appropriate for such an awesome responsibility.” “They won`t believe me. They won`t take the time to listen to me.” “They will ask me the name of the God who sent me.” “I am not at all eloquent. I have always been slow at speaking.” In response to God`s calling Moses gave these kinds of responses. His replies were all negative.

God responded, “I am the eternal God and `I am` is my name. I promise that I will go with you and help you.” God demonstrated His supernatural power by changing Moses` staff into a snake and making his hand white with leprosy. He also declared that He would turn the waters of the Nile River into blood if they did not believe Moses. He also said that He would send Moses` brother, Aaron, who was eloquent to speak in place of the stuttering Moses.

When we read this we realise that initially Moses was not a man of great faith but that he was timid, full of excuses and indecisive. He was just an ordinary man with many faults just like most of us.

God`s criteria for choosing someone is not the same as the general criteria of the world around us. God dares to choose the person who is weak, not smart, and insignificant, someone who others look down on and consider worthless. He did this “so that no one may boast before him.” I Corinthians 1:26-31.

God does not like pride. If weak, worthless people do wonderful things for God He will get all the glory.

奥平 Okudaira


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