心からの捧げ物 Heartfelt Giving
Before Christmas, at old Macdonald's farm a cow, a chicken and a pig were discussing what gifts they could give their master. The cow decided to give milk and the chicken some eggs but the pig said that he did not have anything to give. When they heard that, both the cow and the chicken together shouted, "You can give ham!"
Giving milk and eggs was not very difficult for the cow and the chicken but to give ham meant that the pig would need to sacrifice his life.
「まことに、あなたがたに告げます。この貧しいやもめは、献金箱に投げ入れていたどの人よりもたくさん投げ入れました。みなは、あり余る中から投げ入れたのに、この女は、乏しい中から、あるだけ全部、生活費の全部を投げ入れたからです。」— マルコ 12:43-44
Today's talk is about a poverty-stricken lady's gift. Jesus Christ happened to be standing near the offering box in the church and could see what people were putting into it. Many wealthy people were putting in large amounts of money but when a poor widow put in two lepta Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had live on." — Mark 12:43-44
In today's currency, 2 lepta would be about 1.5 US dollars. It is not of much value but it was all she had. For her, it was a huge sacrifice. The value of a gift is proportionate to the amount of sacrifice involved.
The greater the sacrifice, the greater the value of the gift. We therefore cannot judge the value of a gift by its quantity or its monetary value. A $ 100 note is $ 100 whether given by a rich person or by a poor person.
however, the sacrifice involved is greater for a poor person which makes its value also greater. The greatest gift we can give is our lives. Jesus gave his life for us on the cross.
The value of a sacrifice is not determined merely by its size but motive must also be taken into consideration. No matter the size of the sacrifice, even to the extent of giving one's life, if the motive is mistaken then the value is less.
An example of this is a suicide bomber who commits a vile crime when, out of hatred, they kill many innocent people. To give one's life in order to save another is a noble deed but to throw away one's life in order to kill many others is a heinous crime.
聖書は「また、たとい私が持っている物の全部を貧しい人たちに分け与え、また私の体を焼かれるために渡しても、愛が無ければ、何の役にも立ちません。」— I コリント 13:3 と述べています。
The Bible reminds us that "If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." – I Corinthians 13:3
When we give to God it is important to give with thanksgiving from a heart of love.
奥平和明 Kazuaki Okudaira