ヤコブの熱意 Jacob's Passion

「そのあとで弟が出て来たが、その手はエサウのかかとをつかんでいた。」創世記 25:26
一回の食事は食べてしまえばそれで終わりですが、長子の特権は自分が死ぬまで、そして死んだ後に次の 世代まで影響します。
「求めなさい。そうすれば与えられます。捜しなさい。そうすれば見つかります。門をたたきなさい。そうすれば開けてもらえます。」マタイ 7:7
オリンピックの選手であれば メダルを特に金メダルを獲得したいとの願望が熱心な練習を生み出します。
A donkey was struggling after falling into a deep hole. A passer-by tried to help but was unsuccessful and gave up trying. A farmer just happened to pass by with a rope and a shovel. He felt sorry for the donkey but could not help him. The farmer then started digging a hole and throwing the dirt on top of the donkey. Afraid that he would be buried alive, the donkey shook off the dirt that fell on his back and then stood on it. After repeating this for some time, the hole was gradually filled up and the donkey was able to escape. It was just as well the donkey did not give up!.
Both a businessman who is diligent in his work and an athlete who is diligent with his practice are generally successful. In the spiritual realm too, a person who is diligent will be blessed and used by God. Jacob was born as the younger one of twins. He was born holding on to his brother, Esau`s heel. “After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau`s heel; so he was named Jacob.” Genesis 25.26.
This posture is a symbol of Jacob`s life. Jacob sought to pull his brother down just as his name, `Jacob` which means `displace` suggests. Because Jacob was born just a few minutes after his brother he lost the right to claim the privileges of being the oldest son. In those days, the birthright involved not just being head of the family but also of the clan and with it came considerable power. Jacob tempted his brother and falsely took his birthright from him. Jacob waited until Esau returned home famished after a day of hunting, tempted him with the stew he was cooking and got him to swear that he would give Jacob his birthright in exchange for some food. Jacob understood the value of the birthright. On the other hand, Esau thought lightly of the birthright and did not comprehend its importance. He thought only of the temporary pleasure of filling his empty belly. Because Esau did not grasp the importance of his birthright, he fell into Jacob`s trap and gave his birthright away.
Rather than temporary things, Jacob sought after lasting things of value. He had the eye of a visionary.
A meal, once it is eaten is all finished whereas the birthright lasts until the person`s death and even has influence after death. Of course, it is not good to deceive another person. However, it is clear that Jacob was wiser than Esau. Once Jacob set his sights on a goal he aimed for it and did not give up, but earnestly sought it until he had it within his grasp. Once he had set his goal, Jacob went for it with all his might. He was like some types of dog who hang on to something they have caught hold of and will not let go. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7.
An earnest desire is the motivating force behind achieving a goal. An earnest desire produces passion. The earnest desire of an Olympic athlete to win a medal, particularly a gold medal, results in practising with all one`s might. The passion to win and to hold the cup in their hands makes a sportsman practice every day even when it is hard work. If you have the passion for something, energy and the desire to work hard arises and makes it easier to achieve one`s goals. If your heart is not in your work it is very hard to make an effort and therefore difficult to achieve one`s goals. Passion, drive and energy are the secret of success. “The kingdom of heaven has been advancing and forceful men lay hold of it.” Matthew 11:12.
Jacob looked towards something lasting and valuable and sought it with all his might. Enthusiasm and passion are the driving forces leading to achievement. Let us pursue our goals without giving up. Especially, may we seek the most valuable thing of all; God and His kingdom.
奥平 Okudaira