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365 Days of Blessing

ヨセフの試練 Joseph's Trials

ヨセフの試練 Jpseph's Trials













これがヨセフの第一の試練です。創世記 37:16-28





ヨセフは、「どうして、そのような大きな悪事をして、私は神に罪を犯すことができましょうか。」創世記 39:8,9 と言って誘惑を退けます。











「なぜなら、神によって生まれた者はみな、世に勝つからです。私たちの信仰、これこそ、世に打ち勝った勝利です。世に勝つ者とはだれでしょう。イエスを神の御子と信じる者ではありませんか。」ヨハネI 5:4,5




A said,” The key to conquering problems and trials is money.” B replied, “How can you say such a thing? Even you should know that there are many problems that money cannot solve.” “But if you have money you can make a new key!”

We all face problems at some time in our lives. Money is not the answer to many of the problems we face: the person who runs at night in order to get fit or lose weight gets hit by a car, the person who studies hard and loses sleep in order to be promoted but then dies an early death because of stress. These kinds of examples cause stress to not only the person concerned but also to the family.

Joseph, the person we are looking at today, had to pass through many trials. Joseph was the eleventh son in a family with twelve sons. He was the son of Rachel who was favoured by Jacob above other wives. Ten of the brothers were the sons of Rachel`s older sister, Leah and two servant girls. Because he was the son of the favourite wife Jacob (Israel) loved Joseph more than the other sons. Problems will always arise if a parent favours one child over the others.

The children who are not shown the same degree of love as others will not be happy and will be envious and resentful of the loved child. His brothers planned to kill Joseph but the oldest brother, Rueben, persuaded them not to so they threw him into a deep pit. Soon after they put Joseph in the pit, a caravan of traders on their way to Egypt appeared and they sold Joseph to them for 20 pieces of silver. This was the first trial for Joseph. Genesis 37:16-28.

On reaching Egypt, Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar who was the captain of Pharaoh`s guard. Joseph loved the Lord his God and God watched over him. Potiphar trusted Joseph and gave him charge over all of the household. Joseph was an extremely good-looking young man and when her husband was away, Potiphar`s wife tempted Joseph to commit adultery with her. Joseph refused her saying, “How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God.” Genesis 39:8,9. Potiphar believed his wife`s lie when she said, “That Hebrew slave came in here to sleep with me.” He was enraged and had Joseph thrown into jail. In maintaining his righteousness, Joseph was attacked and faced his second major trial.

In jail, Joseph met two men who had offended the king of Egypt, the cupbearer and baker. Both of these men, the cup bearer and the baker, dreamed a dream on the same night. Neither of them understood what the dreams meant but Joseph was able to tell them. The dreams came to pass in exactly the way that Joseph had interpreted them. He asked them to remember him when their dream was fulfilled and ask the king to release him from prison as he was totally innocent. Unfortunately, however he was forgotten. This was the third trial.

In this way, Joseph faced trials one after the other but he was able to face these trials because he knew God was with him and he trusted Him.

“Everyone born of God has overcome the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” I John 5:4,5.

When we are faced with trials we should believe that the trial will pass and that we will be blessed and then keep going forward. After a typhoon, the pollution is all blown away and we are left with clear, blue skies. Believe the Creator of this universe and conquer the trial.

奥平 Okudaira


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