信仰の勇者ヨナタン Man of Faith, Jonathon

二人の泥棒が通行人の婦人を襲ってハンドバッグを奪おうとしました。そこに、少年が通りかかりました。たまたま。ポケットにビー玉とパチンコを持っていたので、勇気を出して、ビー玉を泥棒の二人に、何発も打ちました。泥棒たちはあまりの痛さに悲鳴を上げました。その隙に、婦人は、泥棒を振り切って逃げました。その後で、婦人は少年にお礼を言いました。少年は答えました。「いいえ、た易いことですよ。先生、これで、僕の数学の成績は、無事合格ですから。」 その婦人はその少年の中学の数学の教師でした。
「さあ、……先陣のところへ渡って行こう。…大人数によるのであっても、小人数によるのであっても、主がお救いになるのに妨げとなるものは何もない。」I サムエル 14:6
ヨシュア 1:9
私たちの信仰、これこそ、世に打ち勝った勝利です。I ヨハネ 5:4
「エッサイの子がこの地上に生きているかぎり、おまえも、おまえの王位も危うくなるのだ。今、人をやって、あれを私のところに連れて来い。あれは殺さなければならない。」I サムエル 20:31
「命を救おうと思うものは、それを失い、私のために命を失うものは、それを見出すのです。」マタイ 16:25
A couple of robbers attempted to snatch a lady`s handbag. At that moment a young boy came by. He plucked up his courage, took his slingshot and marbles out of his pocket and pelted the robbers. The robbers shrieked with pain. The lady saw her chance and ran away. Later, she was able to thank the boy. The boy responded, “No problem Ma`m. Now my Maths test will get a pass mark!” The lady happened to be the boy`s Maths teacher!
Jonathon was Saul`s son. Because King Saul had not obeyed God he was to be replaced as king. On the other hand, Jonathon obeyed God and was a wonderful man who did the right thing. Jonathon was a brave man who faced many of the Philistine enemy and fought against them. It took great courage for Jonathon and one other man to face a large number of the enemy. Jonathon said to his armour bearer, “Come, let us go over to the outpost…Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” I Samuuel 14:6. Jonathon faced the enemy believing that God would give the victory. Faith is having the confidence that God will lead in the right direction. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”Hebrews 11:1. Faith is believing that the all-knowing, all-powerful God will be with us. Faith conquers fear. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9. Lack of faith leads to doubts, uncertainty and fear. Faith leads to victory. “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” I John 5:4.
Any person who is son of the king, expects and hopes, as prince, to be the next king. Jonathon, however, even though he was the king`s son knew that David was more fitted to be king and did not desire the throne for himself. Jonathon was not a self-seeking, ambitious man. If David had not appeared, Jonathon would naturally have become the next king. However, Jonathon believed that David was more fit to be king than he was. It was not that Jonathon was an incompetent man. He was a wonderful, brave, daring, wise man who brought victory to Israel. He would therefore be a fitting choice as a leader and king. Even so, he believed that David would be the better king. He was a humble man not coveting the position for himself.
Saul told his son Jonathon that as long as David was alive Jonathon`s future as king was uncertain so David should be killed. “Saul`s anger flared up at Jonathon and he said to him, `As long as the son of Jesse (David) lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send and bring him to me, for he must die.” I Samuel 20:30, 31. Jonathon, however, jumped to David`s defence saying, “Why should he be put to death? What has he done?”
Usually, we all put ourselves before others. We are more concerned that we should prosper rather than other people. A person like Jonathon who puts others before themselves is rare. Even though we believe God, not many are prepared to totally sacrifice themselves and serve God. An unselfish person who loves God and puts others before themselves is blessed.
“Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25.