祈りの人 Man of Prayer

「主よ。‥…どうか、あなたの燃える怒りをおさめ、あなたの民へのわざわいを思い直してください。‥…」出エジプト 32:11-13
もしかなわなければ、どうぞあなたが書きしるされたふみから、わたしの名を消し去ってください。」出エジプト 32:31, 32
このモーセの必死の祈りが聞かれ、民への裁きは、許されます。 モーセは不従順で、不平、不満を言うイスラエルの民に対して、忍耐の限りを尽くして、彼らの救いのために祈り続けました。
「神よ。私はあなたを呼び求めました。あなたは私に答えてくださるからです。」詩篇 17:6
エリヤは、私たちと同じような人でしたが、雨が降らないように祈ると、三年六か月の間、地に雨が降りませんでした。ヤコブ 5:17
A child who went to Sunday School did something naughty and was scolded by their mother. They went to their own room and after calming down came out and said to their mother, “I thought about what I did and prayed about it.” “That`s great! If you tell God that you are sorry for what you did He will forgive you and help you,” Mother replied. “Mum, I did not pray because I thought what I did was wrong but I prayed that God would give you patience.”
When I was a High School student a missionary from New Zealand named Bob Midgeley wept as he prayed for me and that is why I stand before you now as a pastor. It is because of other people`s intercessory prayer that I am now involved in evangelism. People believe in the Almighty God and are saved because someone has prayed.
Moses was a man of prayer. As a priest, Moses stood as the intermediary between God and man to pray for forgiveness for the sins of the Israelite people. Moses climbed up Mount Sinai alone to pray to God. It was on this same mountain that Moses received the two plates of stone on which God`s finger had written the ten commandments. The Israelites were set free from the slavery they experienced in Egypt by various miracles and the mercy of God. However, instead of giving thanks for the merciful miracles God had performed on their behalf, they complained, rebelled, built a golden calf and worshipped it. They bowed down before the golden calf saying,“this golden calf is the one who lead us out of Egypt.” Because of this idolatry, God was angry and declared that He would judge and destroy the Israelites. Moses defended them and pleaded with God. “Lord, turn from your fierce anger; relent and do not bring disaster on your people.” Exodus 32:11-13. “Please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.” Exodus 32:32.
In exchange for his own life Moses asked for forgiveness for the people. A leader who loves the people and serves them to this extent is rare. God listened to Moses` heartfelt prayer and did not bring judgement on the people. Moses continued, to the limit of his patience, praying for these disobedient, grumbling, discontented people. Moses knew how to pray. Miracles happened through prayer and the people were lead to repentance. “I call on You, my God, for You will answer me; turn Your ear to me and hear my prayer.” Psalm 17:6.
Man`s power is limited. However, God is able to do anything. God will move in response to our prayers. Miracles happen in response to prayer. Anyone can pray. Stubborn, selfish, sinful people like the Israelites cannot be induced to follow God by human ability. All we can do is pray, believing that Almighty God will move and change people`s hearts. “Elijah was a human being like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.” James 5:17.
Susannah Wesley, even though she was busy taking care of her sixteen children, apparently spent one hour a day praying for her children. As a result of her prayers, John Wesley and his younger brother, Charles were instrumental in turning the tide of corruption in England during the Industrial Revolution and sending out missionaries world-wide.
Prayer is powerful. It is the key to finding answers to problems. Let us all pray to God the creator of all.
奥平 Okudaira