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365 Days of Blessing

捧げる動機 Motivation for Giving

捧げる動機 Motivation for Giving

アメリカの教会では日曜日の礼拝が終わり、出席者たちが教会を去る前に、牧師は玄関のドアの前に立って、出席者一人一人に握手をし、感謝の挨拶をします。ある教会員の息子のジョニーが牧師さんと握手した時に10ドル紙幣が小さく折られて手の中に入っていました。牧師さんは「おや、ジョニー、このお金はどうしたのかい」と聞くと、ジョニーは「うちのお父さんが、いつもこの教会の牧師が一番貧しい説教者だと、言っているので、可哀そうに思ったので、さし上げたのです。」 ジョニーは「貧しい」を「下手」と言う意味ではなく「貧乏」と思ったのです。






イエス様がこのやもめを誉めた理由は、みなは、あり余る中から投げ入れたのに、この女は、乏しい中から、あるだけを全部、生活費の全部を投げ入れたからです。マルコ 12:41-44










人間は誰でも、打算的な心があるので、神様は捧げることは自分の祝福になることを説いています。神は「天の窓を開き、あふれるばかりの祝福をあなたがたに注ぐかどうかをためしてみよ。」マラキ3:10 とさえ言っています。





神様は人々を愛したので人々の救いのために、イエス様を与え、その犠牲の死によって、罪からの救いの道を開きました。神は、実に、そのひとり子をお与えになったほどに、世を愛された。それは御子を信じる者が、ひとりとして滅びることなく、永遠のいのちを持つためである。ヨハネ 3:16




After church was over one Sunday somewhere in America, the pastor went to the door and greeted all the congregation as they left, thanking them for coming and shaking their hands. Johnny, the son of one of the congregation left a folded up ten-dollar-bill in the hand of the pastor after greeting him. “Hey! Johnny, what is this for?” the pastor inquired. “Well, Dad says you are a very poor preacher so I felt sorry for you and thought I would give you this money.”

Jesus was watching as people put their money in the offering box. The rich people were putting in large amounts but a poor widow came by and put in two coins, two leptah. The leptah was a small copper coin of the least value. Her offering was only worth a few cents. As far as an offering goes it was a pitiful amount and would not be a cause for pride.

However, Jesus gathered His disciples together and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.” He explained why He praised her in the following verse, “They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.” Mark 12:41-44.

The value of what we give is determined by the degree of sacrifice involved. This widow`s offering involved the greatest sacrifice therefore was deemed the most valuable. When people give, they do so from a number of different motives.

1. Vainglory. There is a tendency to judge the degree of a person`s faith by the size of their offering. Generally, a person who gives a lot is thought to be a person of faith, whereas the one who gives little is considered to be lacking in faith. “Many rich people threw in large amounts” possibly in order to be seen as people of faith by those around about.

2. Obligation. Some people give at ceremonial occasions such as weddings. Obligation is the motivating factor so joy is not involved and the giving may then be considered a tiring burden.

3. Some people give hoping to get something in return. They are being calculating when they consider the possible future benefit to themselves if they give. All people have some degree of a calculating spirit and God tells us that we will be blessed as we give. He says to try giving to see whether we will be blessed or not. “ `Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this`, says the Lord Almighty, `and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.` “ Malachi 3:10.

4. Gratitude. Usually, we give something out of a feeling of gratitude. We give something out of a feeling of gratefulness to someone who has done something for us. Because we are healthy we can work and receive an income. Life and health are gifts that God has entrusted us with. And so, we give to God out of a heart of thankfulness. King David said, “Now, our God, we give thanks and praise your glorious name….Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I Chronicles 29:13,14.

5. Love. Love gives. Love bestows. Tolstoy told us that Love gives lavishly. Mary poured out her most precious perfume on Jesus because she loved Him. It was out of love that God gave His Son Jesus as a sacrifice in our place so we could be saved from sin. “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. The Bible reminds us that `it is more blessed to give than to receive.`

Those who love themselves and live only for themselves are actually poor and live a life missing out on blessings they could receive. On the other hand, those who love God and love others, those who give joyfully and abundantly will be blessed. Let us be those who love God and others lavishly and give abundantly.

奥平 Okudaira


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