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365 Days of Blessing

再臨の備え Preparation for the Second Coming






Jesus will return when we least expect Him. He will sneak in just like a thief does. A person is blessed if they are ready. A policeman wearing a bullet-proof vest will be alright even if he is unexpectedly shot at. There are no regrets when preparations are complete. What does it mean to be ready when Jesus returns?

1.目を覚ましている イエス様はいつ来られるか分からないので、絶えず目を覚まして準備していなければなりません。


人間はずるがしこいです。マタイ24:36 何時であると分かっていれば、その直前に目を覚ましていて、あとの時は怠けて眠ることができます。しかし、いつ来るのが分からなければ、絶えず目を覚まして準備していなければなりません。油断することはできません。毎日祈り心で過ごすことが大切になります。

1. Be alert. Nobody has any idea when Jesus will come back so we must always be on our guard. “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert!” Mark 13:32, 33. Human beings are cunning. If we knew when His return was to be we would play around until just beforehand and then get ready. However, because we have no idea when that time will come we must be constantly alert and prepared. We cannot be negligent. It is important to pray constantly so we would be ready when the time comes.

2.きよめられている 花嫁は純白なドレスを着て、花婿を迎えます









2. Keep ourselves pure. The bride goes to her bridegroom wearing a beautiful, clean gown. No bride wears a dirty, torn, stained garment. If our hearts are full of sin when Jesus comes we will be unable to go before Him. “So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him.” II Peter 3:14. “Keeping ourselves pure” means making sure that our hearts are ready to face Jesus at any time. “Having our hearts ready” infers being in a prayerful state. “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6.18. Jesus urged us in Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”

3.忠実、勤勉 賢い者は、日々の備えをするが、愚かな者は、備えを怠ります。







3. Be faithful and diligent. A wise person will make preparations daily but a foolish person will be slack. If we have not prepared diligently, when the time comes it will be too late to ask for someone`s help. It is because we have no idea when Jesus might be return that we must make daily preparation. A faithful, diligent heart is needed in order to do this. The master was overjoyed when he heard that the servants had diligently used the talents that had been entrusted to them. Jesus praised those servants saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” They were praised for their diligence even in the small things and were told that bigger things would be entrusted to them. Matthew 25:14-29.




God wants us to manage the talents, abilities, time, finance, belongings, body and life that have been given to us wisely. According to the teaching of the Bible, all of these are not our own but have been given to us out of God`s goodness. As a faithful servant, using these things fully is one way of being ready for Jesus` coming.


Let us all be on the alert, with our hearts prepared, diligently using that which has been entrusted to us in readiness for the coming of the Lord.

奥平 Okudaira

11月12日礼拝メッセージより 浦安国際キリスト教会・奥平牧師


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