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365 Days of Blessing

身代わり Scapegoat

身代わり Scapegoat



モーセは言った。「主はこう仰せられます。『真夜中ごろ、わたしはエジプトの中に出て行く。エジプトの国の初子は、王座に着くパロの初子から、ひき臼のうしろにいる女奴隷の初子、それに家畜の初子に至るまで、みな死ぬ。。』出エジプト 11:4-6













「ヒソプの一束を取って、鉢の中の血に浸し、その鉢の中の血をかもいと二本の門柱につけなさい。‥… 主が…かもいと二本の門柱にある血をご覧になれば、主はその戸口を過ぎ越され、滅ぼす者があなたがたの家にはいって、打つことがないようにされる。」出エジプト 12:22, 23


バプテスマのヨハネは「見よ、世の罪を取り除く神の子羊」とイエス様を指して言いました。ヨハネ 1:29

御子イエスの血はすべての罪から私たちをきよめます。ヨハネI 1:7


ご承知のように、あなたがたが先祖から伝わったむなしい生き方から贖い出されたのは、銀や金のような朽ちる物にはよらず、傷もなく汚れもない小羊のようなキリストの、尊い血によったのです。ぺテロI 1:18,19


イエスが、「民を罪から救ってくださるお方」です。マタイ 1:21




「人がその友のために命を捨てること、これより大いなる愛はありません。」ヨハネ 15:13



There was an accident while some people were rock climbing. Five were hanging off a rope attached to a crag in the rocks. The rope looked as if it were about to break so in order to save the other four it was necessary for one man to sacrifice his life. However, no-one was prepared to make that sacrifice. At last, one brave man said that he would be the one. Filled with deep emotion, the other nine clapped their hands and in so doing lost their hold on the rope. The only one who was saved was the one who had offered to be the one to sacrifice his life.

The final plague foretold by Moses to Pharaoh was that the oldest son in every family would die. “This is what the Lord says: `About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.`” Exodus 11:4-6.

Of all the plagues this is the one which brought the most sorrow to the people of Egypt. We wonder why a loving God would do such a terrible thing. Up until this point there had already been nine other plagues and each time Pharaoh had stubbornly refused to let the Israelite people go to worship God.

He refused to listen to the voice of Moses, God`s representative. He did not listen to Moses` request but continued to refuse.

God is a loving God but He is also a righteous God. He cannot ignore sin. If Egypt`s king, Pharaoh, had repented before God and allowed the Israelites to go, God would not have sent this last plague. Ignoring God`s warnings and refusing to comply leads to God`s unsparing judgement.

Therefore we should not be halfhearted in relation to God but should earnestly, wholeheartedly, with fear and reverence listen to His voice and obey His commands. God also gave a way to escape from the judgement. This involved the sacrifice of a lamb. “Take a bunch of Hyssop, dip it in the blood (of the lamb) and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. When the Lord goes through the land He will see the blood on the top and the sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and He will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.” Exodus 12:22, 23.

All those in Egypt who took heed of Moses` admonition and put the blood on their doorposts were safe from God`s anger and their oldest son did not die but in the houses where the blood was not applied, the oldest son did die.

When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming he pointed at Him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. “The blood of Jesus, God`s Son, purifies us from every sin.” I John 1:7. Those whose sin has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus will escape God`s judgement. “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish and defect.” I Pater 1:18, 19. The meaning of `Jesus` is `save` people from sin. “He will save His people from their sins,” according to Matthew 1:21. Rather than helping people politically or physically God considers it more important to save us from sin. Sin is the basic reason for man`s unhappiness.

“Greater love has no man than this that one lay his life down for his friends.” John 15:13. By giving His life and shouldering all of our sins Jesus opened up the way for the salvation of the whole world.

Just as those who believed what Moses said and put blood on their doorposts did not suffer the death of their oldest son, those who believe in the sacrifice Jesus made for us, will have their sins wiped away, will go to heaven and will have eternal life.

奥平 Okudaira


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