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365 Days of Blessing

目標の設定〈2〉Setting a Goal (2)

目標の設定〈2〉Setting a Goal (2)

1. 具体的であること 目標は漠然としたものではなく、具体的なものの方がいいです。



使徒パウロは次のように言っています。 「ですから、私は決勝点がどこかわからないような走り方をしていません。空を打つような拳闘もしていません。」コリントI 9:26 ランナーが、決勝点が分からなかったら、どこに向かって走ってよいか分かりません。









2. 現実的であること 「少年よ、大志を抱け。」とあるように、夢は大きい方がいいです。





現実を直視することが必要です。 1. Set a concrete goal. It is better if the goal is concrete rather than an abstract, airy fairy one. The more clear a goal is the easier it is to aim for. The clearer a goal is the easier it is to know what to do, which direction to head in and how to prepare. The apostle Paul talks in this way: “Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.” I Corinthians 9:26. If a runner does not know where the finish line is he will not know which direction to run in. A boxer will not be able to win if he randomly swipes at the air. When going on a trip it is generally not enough merely to know which country you will go to. For example, it is not enough to say you are going to America. That is too abstract as America is a huge country. Unless you decide on the city you will visit it is difficult to make plans. The European tour we participated in last month was planned in great detail. The participants were provided with details of what they would see and what they would do every day and followed along with the plan. If here were no clear plan it would be hard to know what to do. The goal should include long-term goals and short-term goals with anticipated dates for fulfilling these goals.

2. Set realistic goals. “Boys be ambitious!” Mr Clarke encouraged his students. A big goal is better. However, if the goal is too big and unrealistic it is easy for plans to fail. John 15:7 states, “Ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” At the same time Romans 12:3 warns us, “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” If we overestimate our abilities and set an unrealistic goal our plans may fail. It is necessary to face reality.

奥平 Okudaira


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