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365 Days of Blessing

再臨の前兆 Signs of the Second Coming

アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー主演のターミネーターという映画を観た方は「I will be back.」という英語のフレーズを聞いたことがあるでしょう。

「I will be back」は「帰ってくるぜ」という意味になり ますが、

聖書にはイエス様が「I will be back」と言われたことが記されています。

イエスは「また、来てあなた方を私のもとに迎えます。」ヨハネ14:3 と再び来ることを約束しています。これを、再臨と言います。

If you have seen Arnold Schwarzenegger`s movie The Terminator you may remember his phrase “I will be back”.

In the Bible, Jesus also says “I will be back.” In John 14:3 He says, “I will come back and take you to be with me.” Jesus has promised to return and we call this the Second Coming.












Jesus told us that the Second Coming would be linked to the end of the world and gives us some signs that will warn us that it could be happening soon.

These signs include:

1. wars and rumours of wars

2. famine, earthquakes, unusual weather patterns

3. the appearance of the anti-Christ

4. persecution of believers

5. decline in morality

6. spread of the gospel

7. events in Israel.

Israel is sometimes called God`s timepiece.There are many prophecies relating to Israel and as we see these being fulfilled we can predict future events.

いちじくの木から、たとえを学びなさい。枝が柔らかになって、葉が出て来ると、夏の近いことがわかります。 マタイ24:32

AD 70年 ローマ軍によって攻められイスラエルは滅亡し、離散する。



第三の神殿 それゆえ、預言者ダニエルによって語られたあの『荒らす憎むべき者』が、聖なる所に立つのを見たならば、(読者はよく読み取るように。)マタイ24:15




「荒らす憎むべきもの」とは、終末の時代に現われる反キリストで、聖なる所は第三の神殿をさしています。  この反キリストは「神の宮(神殿)の中に座を設け、自分こそ神であると宣言します」(IIテサ2:3,4)

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.” Matthew 24:32.

In A.D. 70 Israel was destroyed by the Roman army and its people dispersed around the world. On May 14th, 1948, 1878 years after its destruction, the country of Israel was once again established. This was the fulfilment of a Bible prophecy. “God will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel, He will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth.” Isaiah 11:12.

The Third Temple “So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel - let the reader understand –“ Matthew 24:15. It is believed that the Jews will rebuild a temple on the site of the previous two temples and this is called `The Third Temple`.

The First Temple was Solomon`s Temple which was destroyed in B.C. 586 by Babylon. The Second Temple was Herod`s Temple which was destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70. When the Third Temple is rebuilt it will be `big news` equal to the news in 1948 that the country of Israel had been re-established.

The `abomination that causes desolation` refers to the anti-Christ who will stand in the Third Temple which is `the holy place`.

This anti-Christ will “set himself up in God`s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.” II Thessalonians 2:3,4. The anti-Christ will appear suddenly at a time when the world is in disarray and bring temporary peace and rule the world.








To put an end to the evil of the end of the world Jesus will appear again. In order for the Jewish temple to be desecrated by the anti-Christ it must actually exist.

However, at this present time it has not been re-built. We can therefore presume that the Second Coming of Jesus will be soon when we see the Third Temple erected. When we hear news of the re-building of the temple we can think that Jesus` coming is imminent. We do hear news that preparations for the rebuilding are in progress right now.


Can we then say that the Second Coming will be soon?

奥平 Okudaira

「再臨の前兆」10/29 日曜礼拝メッセージより 奥平牧師


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