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365 Days of Blessing

ノアの忍耐 The Patience of Noah

ノアの忍耐 The Patience of Noah




































One of the characteristics of patience is perseverance. Last Sunday, 18 th November, at Disneyland some people were told they needed to wait 11 hours in order to enter the attraction, “Mickey`s House and Meet Mickey,”celebrating 90 years of Mickey Mouse. One would need to have incredible patience in order to wait that length of time amongst all the crowds.

If you have made a time to meet a friend how long will you wait for them? Apparently, 65% of people will wait 30 to 45 minutes if someone is late for an appointment. People are not keen on waiting because it involves patience.

God told Noah that He was going to send a big flood and Noah waited and waited for many, many years for it to happen. What patience! In the Old Testament, Jacob served his father-in-law for 14 years in order to marry Rachel, the love of his life. “You need to persevere so that you will receive what God has promised.” Hebrews 10:36. When God told Noah, “Prepare a boat because a big flood is coming” he believed what God told him, started building a boat and continued building for many years. In order to believe what God said and not just start building a boat but continue for many years, both faith and patience were required. (Genesis 6:9-22) “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.” Hebrews 11:7.

Over many decades, giving one`s life to continue to build something requires great patience. We need patience in order to complete anything that we have started. The Bible speaks of patience in this way: “He who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13. “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” Hebrews 10:36. Even if we make a mistake, if we do not give up but continue on we are more likely to succeed. Michael Jordan is acclaimed as the greatest basketball player of all time. He said, “During my career, I missed shots 9,000 times. I lost 300 games. Twenty-six times I did not make the winning shot that was expected of me. In my life, I messed up so many times I have lost count. However, those mistakes have been the base on which my success has been built.” “Rome was not built in a day.” “The longest journey begins with one step.” As these sayings remind us, patience is the secret behind victory. In life too, there are good times and bad. When things are not going as we had hoped, when we grit our teeth and hang on, the wind will cease and things will change. The important factor is patience. A farmer knows that the seed he has sown will not immediately sprout and produce a harvest. He knows he must wait until the right time. An impatient person will not be successful. “Wait until the nightingale sings” has been said to define Ieyasu, who founded the Tokugawa dynasty which lasted 300 years in Japan.

Those who wait patiently for God will be blessed. “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not weary, they will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:.31.

Noah did as God told him, started building the ark and continued for many years. He continued warning people about was to come even though they mocked him. He waited patiently until God`s word was fulfilled. He waited while it rained for 40 days and then waited nearly half a year altogether until it was safe to get out of the ark. If we can wait patiently as Noah did, we will receive blessing, salvation and spiritual success.

奥平 Okudaira


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