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365 Days of Blessing

君もそこにいたのか Where You There?

君もそこにいたのか Where You There?





“Yesterday, in front of the train station, a young woman was accosted by three men who looked like they were mafia members. There were about 30 people watching but no-one lifted a finger to help the woman. In the end, one old man stepped up and cautioned the three men. Then suddenly, the three attacked the old man. I thought it was over for him but he went at them with his walking stick and fought them off. It was amazing!” “Yeah, I thought it was great too!!” “Really? So you were watching too! We`re both cowardly bystanders aren`t we! However, I`m a weak woman but you`re a member of the tough Self Defence Force aren`t you?” “Yes, you`re right but my job is to stand by!!”













When Jesus was put on the Cross there were a lot of people watching. These people can be divided into three groups: bystanders, enemies and believers. The bystanders were merely there watching the proceedings; rubberneckers interested in anything unusual. Probably the majority of the people who gathered around the Cross were in this group. Bystanders merely look on and do not want to get involved. If they were to get involved there would be a degree of responsibility which is too troublesome for them. They avoid involvement because that is the safest position. There is no need to make decisions, make an effort or pay a price. Most of us want to choose the easiest path. Even if they think Jesus is a good, righteous person most people will not try to stop those who ridicule Him. Just as we are not afraid if we all cross on a red light we feel more comfortable doing what everyone else is doing.

聖書は「狭い門から入りなさい。滅びに至る門は大きく、その道は広いからです。そしてそこから入っていくものが多いのです。」と言っています。 マタイ 7:13


The Bible tells us “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew 7:13. When there are a lot of bystanders there will be some sacrificed.





A lot of bullying takes place in schools in Japan and there is often news of a student who has committed suicide because they could not stand the bullying any more. According to the Ministry of Education, 320 students committed suicide last year and 23 of those were because of bullying. Even if they observe bullying, most students pretend they do not know what is happening and that it does not concern them. Bystanders are the most numerous.











However, there are some courageous people. The centurion who crucified Jesus said, “Surely He was the Son of God!” He knew that by declaring his faith he would be persecuted and even possibly lose his job as centurion.

Joseph, a member of the Council, and Nicodemus took Jesus` body and buried Him. Both Joseph and Nicodemus were members of the Jewish ruling council who secretly believed Jesus and did not condone the plan by the rest of the Council to kill Jesus. As members of the Council of men who hated Jesus and persecuted Him it was dangerous for Joseph and Nicodemus to side with Jesus and bury Him. Joseph risked the danger and went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus. He was given permission to give Jesus a proper burial. What took place on the Cross has the power to change us. Jesus` death on the Cross lead to repentance for the thief, belief for the centurion and a bold decision for the Council members.

「君もそこにいたのか ?」と言う質問に対して、「はい、確かにいました。」と答えが返ってきます。 歴史的に、二千年以上も前にイエスがかけられた十字架のもとにいることは不可能です。




To the question “Where you there?” the answer comes back clearly “Yes, I was there!” Of course, it is impossible for us to be there at the crucifixion which took place 2000 years ago. However, all of us fit into one of the three groups around the Cross. Which group do you identify with: the impartial bystanders, the enemies or the believers? The Bible reminds us that our attitude to Jesus determines whether or not we receive eternal life.


My prayer is that everyone here would declare with the centurion that “Jesus is certainly the Son of the Living God.”

奥平 Okudaira

「君もそこにいたのか」 3月25日礼拝メッセージより 奥平牧師


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