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365 Days of Blessing

クリスマスと礼拝 Worship at Christmas

クリスマスと礼拝 Worship at Christmas
















「私は私を尊ぶ者を尊ぶ、私をさげすむ者は軽んじられる。」サムエルI. 2:30


「すべてのことに感謝しなさい。これがキリスト・イエスにあって、神が、あなた方に望んでおられることです。」テサロニケI. 5:18 










On Christmas Day five-year-old Ken said, “Satan, where`s the gift of my bicycle?” Shocked, his mother cried, “You mean Santa not Satan don`t you?” To this Ken replied, “But Santa doesn`t keep his promise and bring me what I ask for! He`s a liar and Daddy told me that Satan is a liar!”

In Japan at Christmastime, the streets are decorated with lights and trees, the song Jingle Bells can be heard wafting on the air as people go shopping and buy Christmas cake to eat at home with their families and have a party. Christmas is actually the time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ。Three wise men too came from far away in the east to worship Jesus. They offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and “when they saw the child with His mother Mary, they bowed down and worshipped Him.” This teaches us what is important for us to do at Christmastime. More than having Christmas parties and more than doing Christmas shopping we should worship Jesus the Son of God. Worship is to kneel or bow down in adoration of someone. We are told that the wise men “bowed down.” Kneeling or bowing down shows that we have respect and reverence for the person to whom we are bowing.

The first meaning of worship is to be aware of God and show reverence for Him. This begins with faith. Those who do not believe in the existence of God are not able to worship him. In order to honour God “in spirit and in truth” we must believe that He is. If we do not have faith it is impossible for us to worship God with all our hearts. The Bible reminds us that when we worship we must have respect and awe for God our Creator. God has given us an amazing promise: “Those who honour Me, I will honour.” I Samuel 2:20.

The second meaning of worship involves giving thanks to God. “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God`s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:20. When we think about it we realise that even our lives are given to us by God. Most people think that because they work the money they receive is their`s. However, if we think about it carefully we realise that we can work only because we have good health. If we are ill we are unable to work. When we give thanks and praise God we are blessed. We experience joy and peace.

The third factor involved in worship is that we give an offering. The wise men opened the boxes they were carrying and gave gold, frankincense and myrrh. In church we may give a special Christmas offering. Frankincense was used in times of prayer and myrrh as a preservative in burial. Apart from monetary gifts we can give prayer and ourselves to be used in helping and alleviating the suffering of others.

At Christmastime we give gifts. May we too, as well as our money offering, spend time in prayer and offer ourselves afresh to God. We remember that God gave the greatest gift at Christmastime when He gave His one and only Son so that we could experience salvation through Him. When we accept God`s gift we gain not only eternal life but also peace and joy in this life on earth.

Christmas is the time to worship Jesus the Son of God. Worship involves respect of God, thanks to Him, prayer, and gifts of all we have and all we are to Him with grateful hearts.

奥平 Okudaira


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