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365 Days of Blessing

「ヨブの試練」(要約)The trials of Job (English follows Japanese)



ヨブは正しい人で、道徳的に落ち度のない立派な人物でした。すなわち、正義を愛し、悪を憎む潔癖な人でした。ウツの地にヨブという名の人がいた。この人は潔白で正しく、神を恐れ、悪から遠ざかっていた。ヨブ記1:1 彼は神を敬い神に仕える敬虔な人でした。ヨブには7人の息子と3人の娘がいました。ヨブはその子供たちのために毎日祈った家族を愛す、優しい人でした。そして、ヨブは多くの家畜を持ったその地方の一番の富豪でした。1:3 このように、ヨブは家族に恵まれ、財産に恵まれ祝福された人生を歩んでいました。



第二に、大風(竜巻)が吹いてきて家を倒し、中で食事をしていた、7人の息子と3人の娘が死にました。しかし、この時に、ヨブは不平、不満を言わず神に感謝を捧げました。「私は裸で母の胎から出て来た。また、裸で私はかしこに帰ろう。主は与え、主は取られる。主の御名はほむべきかな。」ヨブはこのようになっても罪を犯さず、神に愚痴をこぼさなかった。ヨブ記1:20-22 「感謝の心を持つ人になりなさい。」コロサイ3:15


第四に、妻が来て、呪います。「それでもなお、あなたは自分の誠実を堅く保つのですか。神をのろって死になさい。」ヨブ記2:9 このような、試練が次々と襲った時に、普通、夫婦は互いに慰め合います。しかし、ヨブの妻は夫を呪い、夫を見捨てたのです。何という苦しみの連続でしょうか。しかしヨブは妻に向かって言いました。「あなたは愚かな女が言うようなことを言っている。私たちは幸いを神から受けるのだから、わざわいをも受けなければならないではないか。」ヨブ記2:10

ヨブはどんな困難があっても、神を信頼しました。「神が私を殺しても、私は神を待ち望む。」ヨブ13:15 苦難の時に動揺しないこと、これは真に賞賛すべき卓越した人物の証拠である。ベートーベン


「義人の道は、あけぼのの光のようだ。いよいよ輝きを増して真昼となる。」箴言4:18 「試練に耐える人は幸いです。耐え抜いて良しと、認められた人は、神を愛する者に、約束された、命の冠を受けるからです。」ヤコブ1:12  試練に出会った時、苦しみ、悲しみのどん底にありながら、神への信仰を捨てず、神に感謝したヨブのことを思いましょう。

In times of trouble I think about those who are worse off than myself. Paul Gaugin. There are many people in the world who meet more trials than they are able to bear. It is especially difficult for those who live through wars. However, I don`t think many people have more trials than Job whose life is recorded in the Old Testament.

Job was a righteous man who lived a blameless life. He was fastidious in loving righteousness and hating sin. “In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.” Job 1:1. He was a pious man who revered and served God. He had 7 sons and 3 daughters. He was a good man who loved his children and prayed and offered sacrifices for them every morning. He was the wealthiest man in his area with a large number of flocks. He had lived his life blessed in his family and blessed financially.

Many of the trials and troubles we face arise from our own sin, mistakes and stupidity. For example, if we travel over the speed limit, have an accident and are seriously injured we cannot blame anyone else. It is the result of our own negligence. There are times though when although the person, like Job, lives a good, blameless life they suffer because of another person`s negligence or a natural disaster such as earthquakes or typhoons. The many trials that Job met were not a result of his sin.

The first trial was when he lost all of his animals and servants. The Sabeans raided his property, killed all of his servants and stole his cattle, sheep, donkeys and camels. In just an instant, he changed from being the richest man in the area to someone without a penny to their name.

The second trial was when a great wind blew and destroyed the house in which all of his children were feasting, killing all 7 sons and 3 daughters. Even then, Job did not complain but worshipped God. “`Naked I came from my mother`s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.` In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.” Job 1:21,22. “Be thankful.” Colossians 3:15.

The third trial was when he developed painful sores over his whole body which were so itchy that he scraped his body with a piece of broken pottery. He suffered greatly from these oozing sores.

The fourth trial was when his wife came and cursed him saying, “Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die.” Job 2:9. Usually, when troubles occur husband and wife support each other. However, Job`s wife cursed him and forsook him. What a terrible series of events Job faced! His response to his wife was, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Job 2:10. Job trusted God regardless of the difficulties he faced. “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” Job 13:15. “This is the mark of a truly admirable man: steadfastness in times of trouble.” Beethoven.

Job endured many trials and God rewarded his faith and faithfulness. At the end of his life he was more blessed than he had been prior to the time of trials: he had twice the wealth he once had and God gave him 7 sons and 3 daughters again. “The Lord blessed the latter part of Job`s life more then the first.” Job 42:12.

“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Proverbs 4:18. “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12.

When we meet trials, even at the lowest point, let us remember Job who did not throw away his faith but continued to worship God.


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