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365 Days of Blessing

「希望のメッセージ」(要約)Message of Hope (English follows Japanese)

交通事故で同じ車に乗っていた三人の友人が死んで天国へ行きました。天国で聖ペテロが質問しました。 「葬式で棺桶の中に入った時に、家族、友人から最後の別れの言葉を言われるときに、何と言われたいですか?」Aさんは 「私は、彼は偉大な医者だった。」と言われたいと言いました。Bさんは 「彼は、良い夫、 父親で、妻と子供たちを愛した。」と言われたいと言いました。Cさんは「あ、動きだした。」と言われたいと言いました。人間は何時までも生きていたい望みがあります。人は希望に向かって生きる存在です。                                       


予言者イザヤは旧約時代に最も活躍した預言者の一人でした。イザヤは701年にアッシリヤ軍が南のユダ国のエルサレムを包囲した時、アッシリヤ軍が撤退し、滅びることを予言し、その通りになりました。                  その後、偶像礼拝、不道徳への裁きとして、ユダ王国へのバビロンの来襲、バビロンへの捕囚を予言し、それらの預言も成就しました。イザヤ39:5-7 しかし、イザヤは裁きを予言し、悔い改めのメッセージを語るだけではなく、救い主の到来、イスラエル復興の予言もしています。この点に関して、イザヤは 希望のメッセージを語る預言者でもありました。

希望とは将来に対する期待や明るい見通しです。人間は何らかの希望を持って生きている存在であると言うことができます。人にとって、希望は生命力です。聖書は、「すべて生きている者に連なっている者には希望がある。生きている犬は死んだ獅子に勝るからである。」伝道の書9:4 と述べています。


試練に直面した時、希望のある人は試練に耐え、試練を乗り越えることができます。希望がなければ試練に挫折し、悲惨な状況から立ち上がることができません。「希望なしで生きることは、生きることをやめることだ。」ドストエフスキー ある医者は「患者の治療に一番必要なことは、まず、患者に希望を持たせることです。」と言いました。「希望」はどんな薬よりも特効薬だというのです。希望に向かって生きる人生は、朝日のように輝いています。「不幸を治す薬は、ただもう希望よりほかにない。」シェクスピア

イザヤは最初に、罪にまみれ、滅びの道に向かって進んでいる人類に救い主の到来のメッセージを語り人類に希望をもたらしました。「やみの中を歩んでいた民は、大きな光を見た。死の陰の地に住んでいた者たちの上に光が照った。」イザヤ9:2 懐中電灯、松明などの光無しで、暗闇の中を歩いて進むのは難しいです。石に躓いて転んだりします。キリストは「世の光」闇の中にある者を導きます。







Three friends arrived in heaven after being involved in a car accident. Saint Peter asked them all a question, “At your funeral, what would you most like your family and friends to say about you?” The first man said he wanted them to say, “He was a great doctor.” The second man hoped they would say, “He was a good husband and father who loved his wife and children.” The third man said that he really hoped they would say, “Oh! He moved!”

We all want to keep on living. Human beings live with hope for the future. Isaiah was one of the most prolific prophets in Old Testament days. In 701 BC, when the Assyrian army surrounded Jerusalem, the capital of the southern kingdom of Judah, Isaiah prophesied that the Assyrian army would retreat and be destroyed. His prophecy was fulfilled. Other prophecies of his that were fulfilled were the invasion of Judah by the Babylonian army and the taking of captives to Babylon as punishment for their idol worship and immoral ways. Isaiah 39:5-7. Isaiah did not only preach messages of judgement and calls for repentance but also prophesied the coming of the Messiah and the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. Isaiah preached messages of hope.

Hope is having expectations of a bright future. Humans are creatures who live with hopes for the future. Hope brings a strong incentive for living. The Bible tells us, “Anyone who is among the living has hope.” Ecclesiastes 9:4. If we lose hope, we lose the will to live, life becomes meaningless and this can lead to suicide. Hope is essential to give the will and the desire to live. Those who have hope are able to face and overcome trials when they face them. Without hope we become discouraged and find it difficult to rise above difficult circumstances. “To live without hope is to cease to live.” Dostoevsky. A doctor said, “The most important factor in the treatment of a patient is to give them hope.” Hope is more efficacious than medicine. Life lived with hope is bright like the morning sun. “The miserable have no other medicine but only hope.” Shakespeare.

Isaiah preached peace to mankind as he prophesied the coming of the Messiah to those steeped in sin and on the path to destruction. “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2. Without a torch or a firebrand it is difficult to walk along a dark path. We trip and stumble over rocks. Jesus is the Light of the World and guides us in this dark world.

Isaiah also prophesied the restoration of Israel. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland….” Isaiah 43:19, 20.

The Israelites were captives in Babylon for 70 years. However, after Cyrus, king of Persia, had subjugated Babylon he permitted the Israelites to return to their homeland and the restoration began. In AD 70 the Roman emperor, Titus conquered Jerusalem and the Jewish people took refuge in many parts of the world. Despite that, approximately 1900 years later, in 1948, the Jews gathered from all the corners of the earth and the country of Israel was re-born. Israel had been a desert wasteland but after irrigation vegetable and flower gardens, orchards and vineyards bloomed and exports of flowers, vegetables, fruit and wine began.

In times of trouble, we would give up if we have no hope. Hope gives us strength to overcome trials. Do you have the hope of heaven after your life here is over? Anybody, no matter who they are, if they believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Saviour, eternal life and a place in heaven is secured for them.



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