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365 Days of Blessing

「捧げる祝福」マラキ The blessing of giving

一般に人は受けることを願っても、与えることを惜しみます。 しかし、聖書は与える人は幸いであると述べています。「受けるよりも与える方が幸いである」使徒20:35 「与える人、捧げる人」は祝福されます。




あなたがたは、盲の獣をいけにえにささげるが、それは悪いことではないのか。足なえや病気のものをささげるのは、悪いことではないのか。マラキ1:8 捧げものは、傷物、汚れた物ではなく完全なものが要求されます。「あなたは、子牛、すなわち、若い牛を罪のためのいけにえとして、雄羊を全焼のいけにえとして、それもまた傷のないものを取って、主の前にささげなさい。レビ9:2


これは、捧げる者のいい加減な、不誠実、不敬虔な態度の現れになります。「どこに、わたしへの尊敬があるのか」マラキ1:6 神の第一の戒めは、「心を尽くし、思いを尽くし、知力を尽くしてあなたの神である主を愛せよ。」マタイ22:37 です。


その理由は、自分のことで忙しくして、自分中心主義的な生活に陥っていたからです。 わたしたちの信仰生活でも同じことがおこります。礼拝も、教会生活も、捧げものも、すべて自分を基準にして行うようになると問題になります。そうすると、妥協して捧げ物の質を落としたり、礼拝出席を二次的にしたりします。そうすると、信仰生活には、喜びがなくなり、躍動に満ちたものではなくなります。

人は神様から祝福を受けることを願いますが、神様に捧げ、神のみ言葉に従う人は少ないです。しかし、神に捧げ、神言葉に従う者は祝福されます。わたしがあなたがたのために、天の窓を開き、あふれるばかりの祝福をあなたがたに注ぐかどうかをためしてみよ。マラキ3:10 ばらまいても、なお富む人があり、正当な支払いを惜しんでも、かえって乏しくなる者がある。箴言11:24 



聖書は随所において、与えることの祝福を述べています。 普通、与えるとそれだけ自分の物が減り、少なくなるわけですから損するように感じます。 しかし、不思議と惜しむ人は祝福されないで、逆に寛大な心を持って惜しみなく与える人は祝福されます。神は喜んで与える人を愛してくださいます。IIコリント9:7 神の国とその義とをまず、第一に求めなさい。そうすれば、それに加えて、これらのものはすべて与えられます。マタイ6:33 自分の命を愛し、自分だけのために生きる者はかえって貧しい、空しい人生を送ります。反対に人を愛し、神を愛し、喜んで、惜しみなく与える人は祝福されます。思い切って捧げることで、神様が祝福してくださるか、試してみましょう。

Generally speaking, people like to receive but are not so keen on giving. However, the Bible tells us that those who give are blessed. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35. Those who donate, those who dedicate themselves are blessed.

The prophet Malachi was sent to those who had returned to Jerusalem after the seventy-year captivity and had cooled off in relation to God. While Ezra and Nehemiah dealt with the rituals of worship and reforms of government, Malachi challenged them to look at their spiritual problems. The basic problems he dealt with were the corruption of the priests, racial intermarriage, neglect of the temple and individual sin. In the first chapter of the book of Malachi he points out that people have been offering defiled food and sick, damaged animals. “When you bring blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice crippled or diseased animals, is that not wrong?” Malachi 1:8. Perfect sacrifices not damaged goods were required. “Take a bull calf for your sin offering and a ram for your burnt offering, both without defect, and present them before the Lord.” Leviticus 9:2.

Dirty, damaged items are not perfect and show disrespect towards the one to whom they are offered. This reveals the lukewarm, insincere, irreverent attitude of the giver. “Where is the respect due me?” Malachi 1:6.

The first commandment is: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37.

God is delighted with sacrifices given from the heart. He is not happy about sacrifices given with a half-hearted, lukewarm, sloppy attitude. The people of Israel had lost their fear and reverence of God. The reason was that they were busy and were living self-centred lives. The same thing happens in our spiritual lives too. Problems arise when we make ourselves the centre for deciding about worship, church life and giving. We then compromise the level of our giving and church attendance becomes secondary. Our joy and sense of fulfilment then diminish.

We all want to be blessed by God but few want to give to God and to obey His commands. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. Test me in this and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Malachi 3:10. “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.” Proverbs 11:24. “See whether you will be blessed or not when you give to God” means to put God first, to revere and honour Him and see whether He blesses you or not.

The Bible teaches us that those who seek will find and there are many similar promises which remind us that if we obey His commands we will be blessed. It is important to test whether this really is true or not. Courage is necessary. Many people fear failure and will not try. As we proceed with courage and faith the way will open up before us.

Many passages in the Bible tell of the blessing of giving. Normally, we feel that if we give we will have less and it will be a waste. Amazingly, those who hang on to what they have are not blessed and those who give with a generous heart are blessed. “God loves a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:7. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33. Those who love themselves and live for themselves often live empty, unfulfilled lives. On the other hand, those who love God and others and give cheerfully without holding back are blessed. Let us take the plunge, give to God and see whether He will bless us or not.



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