「真理に立つ」ヒューマニズム Standing on the Truth
真理とは事実で、正解です。例えば、3+2=5は、いつの時代、どこの国でも変わりません。真理は不変性があり、いつまでも変わりません。いつの時代でも適応できます。また、普遍性があり、どこででも通用します。 真理は主観的なものではなく客観的なもので、どんな人にも当てはまります。

イエス・キリストは、「わたしが道であり、真理であり、いのちなのです。わたしを通してでなければ、だれひとり父のみもとに来ることはありません。」ヨハネ14:6 と言われました。
現代社会の主流をなす物事の価値判断はヒューマニズム(humanism人文主義)だと言われています。ヒューマニズム(人文主義、人本主義)は人間が最高で、人間性こそ尊重すべきものだとする、態度・思想傾向・世界観です。(人道主義、Humanitarianism とは異なります。) ヒューマニズムは現代の学校教育、政治の姿勢に多大な影響力を与えています。キリスト教国と言われる欧米では、ヒューマニズムの影響力が日増しに強くなり、聖書に基づく思想は敬遠され、理性を尊ぶ人間中心主義のヒューマニズムが主導権をとるようになりました。ヒューマニズムは相対性を唱えます。真理、絶対的な道徳的価値観を信じません。真理、善は相対的なもので、あなたにとって真理であっても、私にとっては真理ではありませんと説きます。したがって、善悪の基準がなくなります。善悪の判断は個人によって異なり、相対的だと考えます。ヒューマニズムは唯物主義で人間は物質の塊であり、死んだら全てが終わりだと信じます。霊魂の存在を信じません。死後の世界、死後の裁きを信じません。ヒューマニズムは超自然性、奇跡を信じません。神の存在を信じない無神論です。そして、人間は生まれつき「善」であると考える、性善説を説きます。ヒューマニズムは罪の裁き、死後の裁き、罪が無いと信じるので、自分がしたい快楽を追求する快楽主義です。明日、死ぬかもわからないから、飲んで、食べ、肉体の快楽を追求した方が良いと考えます。ヒューマニズムは霊の存在を認めないので、肉体を満足させる物質を追求すする物質主義、拝金主義につながります。より良い家、服、食べ物、車など物を獲得することが人生の大きな目的になります。ヒューマニズムは、道徳の低下、秩序の崩壊、混乱、虚無感、空しさを生み出します。日本でも、気が付かないうちに、ヒューマニズムの影響による無神論、唯物主義、相対主義、快楽主義、刹那主義、個人主義、物質中心主義が浸透しています。今、ヒューマニズムの弊害を真剣に考えるべき時です。 「罪の支払う報酬は死です。」ローマ6:23と聖書は述べています。
These days there is a flood of information and it is very hard to know what is true and what is false. In recent times we have been influenced by the humanistic idea that there is no absolute truth. The Bible teaches us that God is truth and that there is a standard of absolute moral values. Truth is an unchanging, consistent standard, always right and free of errors. Truth is fact and is correct. For example, “3+2=5” remains unchanged regardless of place or age. Truth is constant and never changes. It is applicable to any generation. It is universal and valid anywhere. Truth is objective rather than subjective and applicable to everyone everywhere.
Jesus said of Himself, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. To say that Jesus is the Truth is to say that He is the Son of God, our Saviour and the only path to heaven is through Him. Many people feel that this is dictatorial and exclusionary. In Japan people say that there are many roads up a mountain and it is possible to reach the top from any angle. Many in Japan think that it does not matter what you believe and that we will all end up in heaven. This is a humanistic viewpoint.
It is said that in today`s society, values are largely affected by humanism. Humanism is an attitude and way of thinking in which the value of the human being is pre-eminent. It is not humanitarianism. Humanism greatly affects modern education and political stance. In so-called Christian countries in the West, humanism has largely taken over, emphasizing the importance of the individual and their rights, and thinking based on the teaching of the Bible has been rejected.
Humanism says that all is relative and that truth and absolute values are non-existent. Truth and right are relative so that what is right for you may not be right for me. Standards of right and wrong disappear. Moral judgements are relative and differ from person to person. Humanism emphasizes materialism, humans are a lump of matter and death is the end as there is no spiritual aspect to a person. Life and judgement after death are not believed. Humanism has no room for the supernatural, for miracles or for the existence of God.
Humanistic thinking says that man is fundamentally good. There is a hedonistic side to the thinking as there is no sin, no judgement after death and it is okay to seek one`s own pleasure. Because one could die tomorrow today one should eat, drink and be merry. The spiritual aspect of man is not recognized so the physical wants are emphasised and therefore materialism and desire for money become paramount. The focus of life becomes having a bigger house and car, more clothes and good food. Humanism breeds lowering of morals, collapse of social order, confusion, meaninglessness and emptiness. In Japan too, without our noticing there has come an increase in materialism, relativism, hedonism and self-centredness. It is time now to think about the effects of humanism. “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23.
Today, because of Covid 19 we are being forced to change our way of living. Humanism does not uphold order and self-control and lack of these virtues has an effect on environmental pollution and on the spread of the virus. We are at the stage where people might feel the limits and emptiness of humanism and turn their eyes towards their spiritual side. This is the time for us to base our lives on the truths espoused in the Bible, to not be tainted by the humanistic thought around us and to live as salt and light in this world.