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365 Days of Blessing

「良い知らせ」命令その2 Good News


そして第二の命令は「全世界に出て行き、すべての造られた者に、福音を宣べ伝えなさい。」マルコ 16:15 です。






聞くことが無ければ信じることはできません。福音、すなわちイエス様の救いについて全く聞いたことが無い人がどうしてイエス様の救いを信じることができるでしょうか。しかし、信じたことのない方を、どうして呼び求めることができるでしょう。 聞いたことのない方を、どうして信じることができるでしょう

宣べ伝える人がなくて、どうして聞くことができるでしょう。 ローマ10:14,15 信仰は聞くことにより、聞くことは神の言葉によるのです。しかし、福音を聞く機会がなければ、信じる機会は与えられません




なぜなら、もしあなたの口でイエスを主と告白し、あなたの心で神はイエスを死者の中からよみがえらせてくださったと信じるなら、あなたは救われるからです。 ローマ10:9 そして、神の教えを守って生きることです。救われるためにはイエス・キリストの救いについて聞くことが大事になります。




The reason I became a minister of the gospel is because a missionary by the name of Bob Midgeley prayed for me. I expect many of you began coming to church because someone lead you here. The first command that Jesus gave His disciples was to “Love one another.” The second command is found in Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creatures.”

What is the `gospel`? it is `good news`, `glad tidings`. Specifically, salvation through Jesus Christ. We experience salvation when we believe that He took the punishment for our sins through His death on the Cross and that He rose from the dead three days later. This salvation is through the One who revealed Himself as the Son of God through His birth, the many miracles He performed during His public ministry, His death on the Cross, resurrection and then ascension into heaven. “Preach the gospel” is the command of Jesus so we must obey whether we like it or not. If all Christians had obeyed this command then maybe the churches in Japan and in the West would not be in decline but would have experienced expansion. We who believe Jesus must work together in unity to preach the gospel and pray fervently that people turn to Jesus. It is God`s desire that all people would turn from their sins and be saved. If we preach the gospel just because it is a command we may become passive. If the gospel really is good news everyone should want to tell others about it not just because it is a command to do so. The disciples shared with others because they were overcome with joy and excitement after experiencing the salvation through Jesus. “As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20. It is not possible to believe without hearing. How can anyone who has never heard of salvation through Jesus believe in Him? “How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Romans 10:14. Faith comes through the hearing of God`s Word. If there is no opportunity to hear then there is no chance to believe. We, the church, have been given a great commission; to tell others about Jesus. How many people have really heard that if we believe in Jesus we will be forgiven, be made a member of God`s family, be saved, receive eternal life and eventually go to heaven? Whether a person decides to believe Jesus or not is up to them but it is important for everyone to hear the good news.

The condition for going to heaven is that we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and decide to follow Him. “If you declare with your mouth, `Jesus is Lord,` and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9. We then live according to His teaching. In order to experience salvation, it is necessary to hear the good news of the gospel.

The mission of a watchman is to warn when danger approaches. If the watchman is slack and people suffer as a result it is his responsibility. If those responsible had done risk management analysis and prepared for the possibility of a large tsunami the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant would not have happened. At a Primary school in the same area, even after receiving warnings about a tsunami, students were kept outside in the playground for 50 minutes rather than being taken up a hill behind the school. As a result, unfortunately, 74 students and 10 staff members died.

We have the responsibility to share the gospel and warn people to prepare for life after death. Taiwan was pro-active in preparing for the Corona virus and as a result have had few infections and few deaths.

As watchmen, may we be aware of life after death, salvation though Jesus, the value of an eternal soul and fulfil our responsibility to share the good news with others.


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