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365 Days of Blessing

「裁きと憐みの神」ナホム The judgement and compassion of God







「主はいつくしみ深く、苦難の日のとりでである。」ナホム1:7 神様は天地創造主なるお方で、私たち人間を神の形に似せて、万物の霊長として、造って下さいました。それで、神様は人間のように喜怒哀楽を持っています。人間の親は子が良いことをすれば、嬉しく、喜びますが、悪いことをすれば、悲しみ怒ります。神様も同じです。忠実に神に仕える人間を祝福し、恵むと同時に、同じ人間が罪を犯せば、悲しみ、怒ります。神は慈しみ深い、愛なるお方であると同時に、義なる聖なるお方です。悪を見て見ぬふりをすることはできません。神に反逆して、暴虐を働き、堕落して、偶像礼拝、不品行を働くものには神は怒り、裁きます。正義が行われなければ、暴虐を受けた被害者は「慰め」を受けません。神様は公平なお方なので、善を行う者を祝福して、悪を行う者には災いをもたらし報復します。



アッシリアの首都ニネベはソドムとゴモラのように不道徳に満ちていました。偶像礼拝、性道徳の堕落、略奪、横暴が蔓延していました。「ああ。流血の町。虚偽に満ち、略奪を事とし、強奪を止めない。」ナホム3:1 アッシリア軍は残酷な拷問を用いたり、反逆する者には無慈悲な残忍な死刑を課したりすることで有名でした。その残忍な拷問の壁画が発掘され現存しています。アッシリアはその支配があまりにも強圧的で過酷であったため、各地に反乱が相つぎ、さしもの大帝国も間もなく崩壊した。



A young man was troubled because there were so many females in his church. “Since you are surrounded by roses in church, your life should be rose-coloured!” his friends said. “The problem is that the petals have all fallen and only the thorns are left!”

People are easily hurt and easily stumbled. In dealing with weak, foolish sinners God sometimes gets angry and brings judgement. However, at the same time, our loving, merciful God shows mercy to those who recognize their sin and ask for forgiveness. God judges those who continue doing wrong but pours out forgiveness and mercy on those who say they are sorry. Last week we talked about the prophet Jonah who was sent by God to the sinful people of Nineveh to warn them that if they did not repent, God would judge them and destroy their city. The people listened to the warning, repented, God had mercy on them and did not bring His judgement upon them. Jonah prophesied about 150 years before the prophet Nahum. All of the people of Nineveh, from the king to the common people repented so God forgave them. Unfortunately, before long the people returned to their evil ways and continued doing wrong. As a result, God`s judgement fell on them and they were destroyed by the Medes, Persians and Babylonian army.

The book of Nahum talks of both God`s judgement and His mercy. “The Lord is a jealous and avenging God.” Nahum 1:1. “The Lord is good, a refuge in times or trouble.” Nahum 1:7. God is the Creator who made us in His own image as the crown of His creation. He, just like us, exhibits a range of emotions. A human parent, if their child does something good rejoices and is happy but, if the child does something bad they grieve and get angry. God is just the same. He blesses a person who follows Him faithfully but if the same person commits sin, He is sorrowful and angry. God is compassionate and loving but also righteous and holy. God cannot ignore sin. God is angry and judges those who turn their back on Him, are depraved, immoral, commit atrocities and worship other gods. If a person does not live right, even if they are a victim, they will not receive God`s comfort. God is totally fair and blesses those who do right and allows misfortune to befall those who do wrong.

“Mercy” and “judgement” seem to be antonyms and it looks like there is a contradiction in God`s character but actually that is not the case. God is love and He longs for His people to be blessed and happy. At the same time, He is a holy, righteous God who hates sin and evil. Sin makes a person go astray and destroys them. In order to remove evil, God calls on us to repent. Those who refuse to repent and knowingly go against God will be judged.

God condemns those who continue sinning. However, He blesses those who turn from their sinful ways. We should not go to extremes but have a balanced outlook regarding mercy and judgement. Both are necessary just as we need two eyes, two arms and two feet in order to function properly.

Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire, was corrupt as Sodom and Gomorrah had been. Idol worship, depravity, tyranny and cruelty were rampant. “Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without victims!” Nahum 3:1. The Assyrian army were well-known for the cruelty of their interrogations and the harsh death penalties given to those who opposed them. Wall paintings depicting the cruelty of their interrogations have been excavated and are still in existence today. The Assyrian rule was so oppressive and cruel that rebellions occurred in many areas and the empire crumbled.

Do not take God`s blessings lightly but give heartfelt thanks daily to God from whom all blessings flow. Let us search our hearts to see if there is any sin or fault there, acknowledge it, repent and ask God for forgiveness. May we have broken, repentant hearts before God.



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