「謙遜と忠誠」(要約)オバデヤ Humility and faithfulness
エドム人たちは、敵が襲ってエルサレムの財宝を奪い去っても門のところで彼らは知らぬ顔で立っていました。オバデヤ1:11 彼らが残虐に殺されている時に何の憐れみも示しませんでした。むしろ、彼らが滅んでいく様を喜び、そして中にある略奪品に手を出していました。そして逃げる道をも妨げています。 生き残った者たちを敵のバビロンに渡しました。

「お前は自分の傲慢な心に欺かれている。岩の裂け目に住み,高い所に住みかを設け,『誰がわたしを地に引きずり降ろせるか』と,心に思っている。」オバデヤ1:3 高慢は、その他の否定的な感情、妬み、恨み、憎しみ、怒り、そして裏切りを生み出します。
裏切り易い人は統計によると意見がコロコロと変わる人、損得勘定を重視する人、見栄っ張りな人だそうです。自己中心的な人は自分の益にならなければ信仰を捨て、神を裏切り、友を容赦なく切り捨て裏切ります。高慢、利己主義は裏切りの根本的な原因になります。 エドムは同じイサクから生まれた兄弟のイスラエルを裏切り、見捨てました。憐みの心を閉ざしました。 世の富を持ちながら、兄弟が困っているのを見ても、あわれみの心を閉ざすような者に、どうして神の愛がとどまっているでしょう。Iヨハネ3:17 私たちは「あわれみの心」「思いやりの心」を捨てる時に、神からの裁きを受けます。
高ぶりは破滅に至らせるが、謙遜は栄誉に至らせます。「高ぶりは破滅に先立ち、心の高慢は倒れに先立つ。」箴言16:18 「人の心の高慢は破滅に先立ち、謙遜は栄誉に先立つ」箴言15:33
While following an order from his lord, Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide realized that Nobunaga was resting in a temple in Kyoto with just a few men. He attacked them and in so doing betrayed and vanquished the man he had been serving. The prophet, Obadiah, criticized the people of Edom because they betrayed their brothers, the people of Israel. In B.C. 587, when Babylon attacked Jerusalem the people of Edom did not merely refuse to send an army to help their fellow countrymen, they actually joined forces with the Babylonians in sacking the beleaguered city.
When the enemy entered Jerusalem the people of Edom, “stood aloof while strangers carried off Jerusalem`s wealth.” Obadiah 11. They stood by without pity while their fellow country-men were being brutally attacked. Instead, they rejoiced in their misery and helped themselves to some of the spoils of war. They even hindered the flight of those attempting to flee from Jerusalem and handed over those who were left to the Babylonians.
Obadiah said, “You Edomites are proud and think that you cannot be brought down and that you are safe.” “The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, `Who can bring me down to the ground?`” Obadiah 3. Pride breeds other negative emotions; jealousy, resentment, hatred, anger and betrayal.
A proud person does not see themselves as they really are and they look down on others. They think that they are always right and that others are wrong. A proud person has a rebellious spirit which leads to betrayal, while a humble person remains faithful. A person who promotes themselves will be humbled and will be finally brought low. “`Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down` declares the Lord.” Obadiah 4.
Statistics show that a person who changes their opinion frequently, one who calculates advantages and disadvantages and a person who tries to keep up with the Joneses is more likely to betray another. A self-centred person will abandon the faith, turn their back on God and coldly turn on their friend if things are not working out to their advantage. Pride and self-centredness are at the core of betrayal. Edom shared the same forefather, Isaac, with Israel but still betrayed them and abandoned them. They closed their hearts to their brothers. “if anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?” I John 3:17. We will receive God`s judgement if we are not compassionate and concerned for others. Edom betrayed their ally Israel and in turn was betrayed by those they thought of as allies. If we do evil to others, evil will come back to us. On the other hand, if we do good to others, good will return to us. “A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6:7.
The end of betrayal is destruction. Judas Iscariot, for thirty pieces of silver, betrayed his master, Jesus. Seized with remorse, he returned the money and then committed suicide and the money was used to buy a field. Brutus betrayed Julius Caesar who had been like a father to him when he joined other senators in assassinating him. He died a piteous death at his own hand two years later after defeat in one of the battles for supremacy post-Caesar. Mitsuhide’s rule lasted only three days.
Pride often leads to defeat but humility leads to honour. “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18. “Humility comes before honour.” Proverbs 15:33. Edom became proud and betrayed Israel and as a result they in turn were betrayed by their allies. Edom became snobbish, looked down on others, were jealous, angry and finally betrayed their fellow-countrymen Israel. Pride leads to destruction. May we not be proud and betray others but be people who are humble and faithfully serve God and others. Like our Saviour and the model for our lives, Jesus who washed the feet of His followers may we too humble serve others.