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365 Days of Blessing

「赦す神」ホセア Our Forgiving God(Hosea)


預言者ホセアは、紀元前750年から720年まで、30年間にわたって、北イスラエル王国で活動しました。ホセアは預言者イザヤと同時代の予言者でした。イスラエルの民は偶像の神々を慕って、真の神から離れました。その結果、神の律法、道徳から離れ、悪が蔓延し、その後、北イスラエル王国は紀元前 722 年にアッシリアによって滅ぼされます。ホセアは『ホセア書』を書きました。

神は預言者ホセアに堕落した遊女ゴメルと結婚するように命じます。「行って、姦淫の女をめとり、姦淫の子らを引き取れ。この国は主を見捨てて、はなはだしい淫行にふけっているからだ。」ホセア1:2 聖なる、義なる神様が聖職の預言者に不道徳な女と結婚せよと言うことは常識では考えられません。それは、神の聖なる性格に相反し矛盾します。普通、自分が結婚する相手を選ぶときに、自分が好感を持ち、愛し、尊敬できる人を選びます。姦淫を犯している不道徳な女と結婚したいとは思いません。ホセアも予言者ではあっても人間です。普通なら、たとえ神様からの命令であっても、この命令には納得できず、拒否することでしょう。しかし、ホセアは、忠実な人間で、神の言葉に従いました。神様に対する信頼、信仰がしっかりしていたので「何か理由があるに違いない、とりあえず従おう」と思ったのでしょう。







神様からホセアに「再び行って、夫に愛されていながら姦通している女を愛せよ。」 ホセア3:1とお告げがありました。ホセアは、すぐさまゴメルを迎えに行きます。そして「銀十五シェケルと大麦一ホメル半で彼女を買い取った。」(3:2)ります。堕落に身を任せた、ゴメルは自分を見捨てずにお金を払ってまでして、自分を買い取る夫ホセアの愛に動かされたことでしょう。イエス・キリストも私たちが罪から、悪魔の支配から救うために、命の代価、犠牲を払って下さいました。あなたがたは、代価を払って買い取られたのです。ですから自分のからだをもって、神の栄光を現わしなさい。Iコリント6:20 ご承知のように、あなたがたが先祖から伝わったむなしい生き方から贖い出されたのは、銀や金のような朽ちる物にはよらず、 傷もなく汚れもない小羊のようなキリストの、尊い血によったのです。Iペテロ1:18,19



Mother Teresa said, “People are often unreasonable, irrational and self-centred. Forgive them anyway.” It is not easy to forgive another. However, God is merciful and forgives anyone who says they are sorry.

The prophet, Hosea was active in the northern kingdom of Israel for thirty years from BC 750 to 720. He was active at the same time as the prophet Isaiah. The people of Israel followed after other gods and turned away from the True God. As a result, they turned away from God`s laws and moral standards and sin was rampant. In the end, in BC 722 Israel was decimated by Assyria. Hosea wrote the book named after him.

God told Hosea to marry the adulterous prostitute, Gomer. “The Lord said to Hosea, `Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the Lord.`” Hosea 1:2. That the holy, righteous God would tell one of His prophets to marry such a woman flies in the face of common sense. This command is completely opposite to and a contradiction of God`s pure nature. Usually, people choose to marry someone they like, someone they are attracted to and someone they can respect. A man would not normally want to marry an adulterous woman with low morals. Hosea, while he was a prophet, was also a human being. Usually, even if one were issued with such a command by God it would be refused. Hosea, however, was a faithful man and he obeyed God`s command. He had great faith and trust in God so he must have thought, `There must be some reason for this so I will comply.` “So he married Gomer the daughter of Diblaim.” Hosea 1:3.

God asked Hosea to marry this adulterous woman so that he would be able to understand God`s feelings. The people of Israel had betrayed God, been unfaithful to Him and followed after other gods many, many times and God wanted to teach Hosea how sad and distressed He felt. He wanted to show Hosea how faithful, loving and patient He is in response to man`s unfaithfulness. The best way to understand another person`s feeling is to stand in their shoes in the same situation. A rich person can only understand a poor person`s feelings by becoming poor themselves. As we go through the same painful experience we can better understand another person`s feelings. A prophet is commissioned to convey God`s Word to others and this can be done more effectively the more he feels as God feels. God`s words and feelings are deposited in a prophet`s heart and this is what he shares with others. God told Hosea to marry a prostitute so he would understand God`s feeling. No matter how unfaithful a person has been and how often they have turned their back on God, if they are truly sorry, God will forgive them and welcome them with open arms. In order for Hosea to understand the depth of God`s compassion, God told him to marry a woman who would be unfaithful to him. After his wife discarded Hosea and their children and returned to her adulterous ways, Hosea was commanded by God to forgive her and welcome her back. By receiving back his wife, God wanted Hosea to understand God`s love and forgiveness towards sinful human beings.

God told Hosea, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress.” Hosea 3:1. Immediately, Hosea did as he was commanded. “So I bought her for 15 shekels of silver and about a homer and a lethek of barley.” Hosea 3:2. Gomer must surely have been moved by her husband`s love when Hosea bought her back at great cost to himself despite her having returned to her sinful ways. Jesus Christ too, at great cost to Himself, paid for us to be set free from the grip of sin and satan. “You were bought with a price. Therefore honour God with your body.” I Corinthians 6:20. “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” I Peter 1:18, 19.

May we, like Hosea, even if it seems unreasonable, forgive those who hurt us and betray us, by faith in accordance with God`s Word.“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.” Colossians 3:13.



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