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365 Days of Blessing

「逆境の中で」 In adverse circumstances


新型コロナウイルスは世界に猛威を奮い 4月18日(土)現在、感染者数2,248,330人、死者154,126人で、この先ますます増えていくことでしょう。










ですから痛い目に会せることによって、私たちを神の道へと、導かれるのです。詩篇94:13 リビング

バイブル この世界的危機の中にあって、自分を大切にすると同時に他者への思いやりを深め、創造主なる神様を思い、日々、主にあって与えられている生命を感謝し、喜び、祈りましょう。

A Japanese man who had lived in the United States for a long time returned to Japan and developed a fever which continued for several days. He contacted the local clinic and when he told them his temperature was 102 they responded, “You must be mad! If your temperature was that high your brain would have been fried and you would be dead. You had better go to the psychiatric department.” He had forgotten that Japan and America use different systems for measuring temperature and that 102 fahrenheit is actually 39 centigrade.

Covid 19 has taken charge of the world and at this moment, (Saturday 18th April) 2,248,330 people are known to have had the virus and 154,126 died. There are many asymptomatic cases. Even when a person does display symptoms, they often have only a cough and slight fever. Because of this, many people could be affected by the virus without realizing that they have it and this makes for an even greater spread of the virus. Apparently, even a fit, healthy person`s symptoms can suddenly deteriorate and lead to death. At present, there is no vaccine available so any person could be affected. In some cases, their condition becomes serious with breathlessness, racking cough and unremitting fever. There is still no effective medication available so patients must just bear the effects of the virus. In some cases, pneumonia gets progressively worse and then a ventilator becomes necessary. If the number of ventilators is insufficient, some people whose lives could have been saved will die.

There are many times when our lives do not go as we had dreamt or planned. Many people must be thinking that their life`s goals and plans have been disrupted by the rapid spread of this unexpected virus. As a result, trips and honeymoons have to be cancelled, business plans scrapped and, in some cases jobs lost. “Many are the plans in a person`s heart, but it is the Lord`s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21. Because of the global spread of this virus, the economic condition of the world is experiencing an unprecedented hit. The IMF announced that this is the greatest economic hit to the world markets since the stock market crash in 1929. In this uncertain, unpredictable age, the Bible tells us that it is important for us to seek God`s guidance. “You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” James 4:14. In order to protect ourselves we should not think that we are invincible and over-rate ourselves. “By the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” Romans 12:3.

Measures to prevent infection: 1. Hand washing and gargling, 2. Stay home, 3. Build immunity by nutrition, sleep and exercise. We protect ourselves by self-management and self-control. This virus has one weakness: it makes its fury felt by using people. It will lose its power as we work together and behave wisely.

This is a good chance to the things we normally cannot do: strengthen family ties, learn new things and enjoy hobbies. We can take time to look at our hearts and our lives and learn new things about ourselves. Because of the spread of this virus we have been given the chance to spend more time at home than we usually have. Why don`t we use this time to develop a deeper relationship with God. “He helps us by punishing us. This makes us follow His paths.” Psalm 94:13. Living Bible.

In the midst of this world-wide crisis, as well as taking care of ourselves, may our compassion for others grow, may we give thanks and praise to our Creator God for the life He has given us and may we rejoice and pray every day.



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